Kingston’s Winter Anarchist Zine Club is Back

It’s winter, which is traditionally a time of more reading, reflection and discussion than the busy summers. So why not, after curling up with a hot drink and a good zine, come together and sharpen our ideas together?

Zine Club is a local reading group that meets every other Tuesday at 7pm at 99 York Street. Short texts are chosen by participants that have some relevance to anarchist ideas and practice in our local context. Snacks provided/welcome! If you want more information or to request zines be delivered to your mailbox, email us at zineclub [at] riseup [dot] net

2018 dates:
January 16: The Fire Insidereflections on the Sept 9th prison strike
January 30: Introduction to the Apocalypse
February 13: TBA
February 27: TBA
March 13: TBA
March 27: TBA
April 10: TBA
April 24: TBA