Keep your Rent, Help Each Other: Roundup of rent refusal and mutual aid organizing

Across Ontario, many tenants across the region will withhold rent from their landlord. Even though we are constantly told we are all in this together, the social impact of the virus will be hugely uneven and intensify existing inequalities. Whether tenants still have the means to pay this month or not, this movement shows solidarity with those who can’t and recognizes that few people can last long without the income they’re counting on.

Alongside this, people across the region have organized to help out their neighbours autonomously.. We are highlighting mutual aid projects that try to go beyond a social media page to build lasting independent strength in their neighbourhoods. Read More …

“St. Catharines” Banner Drop in Solidarity With Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders

In response to the continued colonialist occupation of Wet’suwet’en land by government, police, and extractive industry, some settler accomplices dropped a banner during rush hour over highway 406 in so called St. Catharines.

We support the autonomy and self determination of indigenous peoples on Turtle Island and abroad, who are leading the struggles against colonialism, environmental destruction, and dispossession.

With this small gesture of solidarity , we hope to inspire others in the Region to stand with land defenders in Wet’suwet’en and beyond, and remind the forces of the settler state that despite the media bamboozle, this struggle is still very much alive. Read More …

St. Catharines: Pro-Refugee Banner Drop

Submitted anonymously to North Shore Counter-Info On Thursday afternoon, in response to anti-immigrant white supremacist propaganda recently appearing around the Niagara region (Links to news reports 1, 2), settlers in the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe territory dropped a banner over highway 406 to send a clear message: IM/MIGRANTS & REFUGEES ARE WELCOME HERE. Division based on immigration/citizenship status only benefits the rich and powerful. What would our communities look like without Read More …