Land Back Lane: Ontario Judge Grants Permanent Injunction to Foxgate

From 1492 Land Back Lane (Facebook) Haudenosaunee Land Defenders Will Remain at 1492 Land Back Lane Forever On December 13, 2022, Ontario Justice Sweeny decided to grant a permanent injunction to Foxgate Developments Inc. This decision now gives Foxgate Developments the ability to seek police enforcement of this injunction. Previous enforcement attempts led by police resulted in serious harm to our community; police shot at land defenders in the back Read More …

Onkwehon:we and Brantford residents unite and #landback Arrowdale

On October 9, residents of Brantford Ontario belonging to the Save Arrowdale movement held a protest at Arrowdale Municipal Golf Course. They wore bright yellow shirts with their logo on the front and a summary of their key points on the back. Having gathered a petition with 7,871 signatures in favour of preserving the greenspace and won a unanimous city council vote to save Arrowdale in 2016, they questioned why in 2019 Brantford City Council voted to sell the land to developers. The city’s new deal would preserve only three (later 17) out of the 49 acres as greenspace.  Read More …

Canadian Tire Fire #6: Far Right Losses, Neglect in Prison, and a Summer of Encampment Evictions

Yet more unmarked residential school graves were discovered this week, this time near the Kuper Island Industrial School on Penelakut Island in so-called BC. As communities across Turtle Island process the renewed grief and anger at the loss of their loved ones, recent weeks also saw backlash against the mourning. In Brantford, ON, a memorial to Indigenous children at the site of a former residential school was burned last week, seemingly by a lone vandal. Last month, a teepee for Indigenous high school students in Grande Prairie, AB, decorated to commemorate victims of residential schools, was also vandalized. Both instances are stark reminders of the racism embedded in Canadian culture – as communities mourn the harm done by the Canadian state, this will inevitably be viewed as a threat by those who take pride in their genocidal nation. Read More …

1492 Land Back Lane Forces Cancellation of McKenzie Meadows Development

After nearly a year of re-occupying a tract of land slated for a settler housing development of around 200 homes, Six Nations members have successfully forced the cancellation of the project. Haudenosaunee land defenders and their supporters have been occupying the 25-acre site since July 19th, 2020. They have survived a raid, dozens of arrests, constant surveillance by the OPP as well as CSIS, and court orders from racist judges. Read More …

Hamilton: Report back on Land Defender Solidarity Demo

Today, Hamilton cops arrested a Haudenosaunee woman while she was in her car with her kids for charges related to 1492 Landback Lane. We’ve seen time and again how Landback Lane has been hyper-surveilled and criminalized. In this case, the person was dealing with existing charges just for dropping off food and supplies at the site. And today, a false related charge apparently warranted ambushing and arresting her in front of her kids.
The community reacted quickly and met up this evening in front of thepolice station in solidarity. It was a strong a spirited display including music, speeches and chants. The crowd took the street and marched to the intersection of King and James, which was held for about an hour.  Read More …

Gidimt’en Territory: Solidarity is inclusive: We are one

It has been almost one year since the call went out for peoples across so called canada for solidarity; to respect Wet’suwet’en laws and jurisdiction to our lands and to fight together against colonization, industrial genocide, and to stop CGL and RCMP from invading our yintah.

As we asserted full control over access to our yintah and brought industry to a halt, many others rose up with us. From large demonstrations to rail blockades to clandestine sabotages against the infrastructures of colonization, many nations, groups and people fought alongside us. These actions gave us strength in the face of the looming buildup of militarized police. Read More …

We will lift each other up: Day 177 update from 1492 Land Back Lane

Back in court again today. Many of the 40 arrestees are up in a Cayuga court room facing a vast array of charges. The continuation of the criminalization of land defenders and settler allies.

It is absolutely infuriating that we are talking UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action while jailing our people for simply standing up for lands that the government has admitted they had taken unjustly. The perpetuation of this centuries old agenda of land theft. Read More …

Hamilton: John A MacDonald Statue Painted Red

Early in the morning on November 9th, a few of us tread into the night to pay visit to Sir John A Macdonald in Gore park downtown Hamilton. With a loaded fire extinguisher, we painted him red, symbolizing his blood-soaked legacy. We did this in solidarity with the land defenders out 1492 Landback Lane, our neighbors from Six Nations, who are facing intense police violence in their attempt to save their land from another cheap and hollow suburban development. Read More …

OPP collaborators, we see you!

Anonymous Submission to North Shore UAV Tower Innovations is a drone company that is being paid by the OPP to spy on indigenous land defenders. Their publicly listed address is 403138 Grey Rd 4, Durham. Last night we spraypainted a message on their driveway: OPP COLLABORATORS WE SEE YOU! WE ARE WATCHING YOU NO JUSTICE ON STOLEN NATIVE LAND This is a warning, keep your drones away from the front Read More …

You Blew it, Hewitt: Details of Haldimand Mayor’s Financial Ties to Developers

Under capitalism, it is money that often makes the election.

If someone receive lots of donations for their mayoral candidacy, they get to dominate the airwaves and the lawn signs and have schmoozy events.

We also know incumbents have the advantages of visibility and stability.

Stability in the sense that people don’t need to take a risk; they can choose the known evil and see it as lesser because, mostly, change is scary.

And of course, money and position equals power, and power corrupts.

With the racist shit the Haldimand mayor has been spouting off lately about Indigenous people at the Six Nations landback reclamation site, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that Ken Hewitt is somehow personally invested in this project. Read More …