Oshawa – Fascism will not take hold here again

Lately, Oshawa has had a lot of Nazi symbols like swastikas and racist slogans being tagged. We decided to send a message that hate has no home in this city. Historically, neo-Nazis and white supremacists had a strangle hold on this city and we will not allow them to build a platform here again. The community needs to fight back and take a stand while the Nazis are still weak and underground.

Spray paint is cheap and can go anywhere, let these cowards know that fascism will not take hold here again! Read More …

Oshawa: Stop Gentrification In Our City

April 22 the city of Oshawa bulldozed the community-led Memorial Garden, which stood in downtown Oshawa for nearly two years. Made by unsheltered community members, the memorial originally started to commemorate those lost to the opioid crisis and drug overdoses. It grew to be a community memorial for anyone lost to drug overdoses, suicide, untreated illness or other ails from poverty and capitalism.

There was a rock garden and a board with names of those lost as well as religious/spiritual icons, photographs, cremation ashes and street art. For some, all they had left was their name in the memorial garden. And the city ruthlessly and without warning bulldozed it. Gone are the memories for so many that had nothing else. This is just the latest attack of gentrification against those most marginalized by capitalism. Read More …

Argument for Supporting The Sick Day Solidarity Fund

There has been a call from bureaucrats and reformists not to support the Sick Day Solidarity Fund. They say it distracts from their “real” organizing and promotes charity. First of all, what organizing? Signing petitions and telling people to vote NDP next year? If you want to spear head a campaign that focuses on that, fine. But this sectarian mentality of “my way is the only correct way” promotes an idealist purity that does nothing to help the working class; neither immediately nor in the future. There are a multitude of ways to organize and take action, shitting on each other and knee capping each others’ organizing efforts is not the way to do it. Read More …