Let’s be honest, this was a fucking summer camp: a postmortem of the failures of UofT’s so-called People’s Circle for Palestine

As the zionist entity’s siege on Gaza enters its ninth month, the now-dead People’s Circle for Palestine at UofT joins the ashes of Northwestern, McMaster, and numerous others as an exemplar of liberal cowardice in the face of a livestreamed genocide. Not only did this encampment fail to deliver on its stated goals of disclosure, divestment, and termination, it betrayed both the people that made it possible as well as the movement at large. Far from opening up new terrains of escalatory struggle, the organizers of this People’s Circle spent the sixty-three days of its existence working tirelessly to make it a remarkable case study in defanging and dismantling the budding militancy of the local movement. It perverted its own promises, violated every principle of liberatory organizing; it wasted multiple weeks sabotaging the efforts of its own comrades while thousands in Gaza continued to be murdered. It turned something that could have been revolutionary for the city’s organizing scene to a summer camp that years on will likely be remembered with nothing but shame. It was a disappointment and a disgrace. Read More …

Toronto Police Approaching People to be Confidential Informants

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info In case you missed it, Toronto Police have recently been attempting an old tactic against Palestinian solidarity organizers: soliciting arrestees to become confidential informants. While this isn’t a new tactic, the blatant and concerted attempt to conjure informants in community organizing spaces is. Writing this, I know of at least four separate individuals approached by police. Each approach has been similar: the individual is Read More …

Toronto: Flood For Rafah – Three MP Offices Targeted

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info North Shore editorial note: We decided to relay this communique despite its celebration of authoritarian pseudo-state militias. Solidarity with people in struggle doesn’t mean solidarity with its self-appointed vanguard. In the early hours of May 29th, people of conscience in Toronto descended upon MP offices across our city to send a message to Liberal Party genocidaires that Toronto will escalate for Gaza. In direct Read More …

Canadian Tire Fire #68: Resisting the Northvolt Battery Plant, Students Walkout Against Anti-Trans Laws, Palestine Solidarity Continues

From Canadian Tire Fire In today’s column, we take a look at the forms of resistance taking shape against Quebec’s Northvolt battery plant. We also look at responses to new anti-trans legislation in Alberta, and statistics around pre-trial detention in Ontario. Finally, we provide a roundup of Palestine solidarity actions and news over the last month. Resistance to Quebec’s Northvolt Battery Plant In January, opponents of a huge electric vehicle Read More …

Toronto: Blocking Israel’s War Machine

From SubMedia Early on the morning of October 30th, a crowd descended on INKAS Armored, a Toronto-based defence contractor with ties to the Israeli Defence Forces. Responding to a call from Palestinian trade unions for workers around the world to shut down exports to the Israeli military, the protesters set up picket lines to block access to the facility. The Israeli state is carrying out a massacre in Gaza with Read More …

Wet’suwet’en Solidarity Targeted, We Must Escalate Our Organizing

From Mining Injustice Solidarity Network In a bizarre series of events, an anti-racist, immigrant rights organizer was charged yesterday by CP Rail Police in Toronto on an open warrant related to a Wet’suwet’en solidarity action that took place seven months ago in November 2021. This is part of a broader attack. Canada’s governments are pursuing criminal contempt charges against 15 people arrested at Gidimt’en Checkpoint village site including legal observers. Read More …

ETC — Case Study: Toronto South Detention Centre

The Northern and Eastern Strategies are not the first waves of prison expansion in Ontario (and they won’t be the last). They directly build on the previous wave, which was focused on Toronto. The Toronto strategy closed older prisons (Metro West, the Don Jail, and Mimico) and created the Toronto South Detention Centre (TSDC). Described when it opened as “the model for institutions like this for years to come,” a close look at the TSDC will help us know what to expect from the new prisons. Read More …

Toronto: May Day Bank Attack

In “Toronto” on the morning of May 1st, we attacked an RBC branch in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders. We left a spray-painted message, a damaged lock, and a mess of red paint.

As we walked away into a beautiful May Day sunrise, we left a trail of messages through the city.

We were left wanting more, but we know that there are many more days ahead.

The time is now, the task is simple! Atta​​​​​​​ck! Read More …