Submission Guidelines

We want to share your stories, analyses, and more. We want to hear about your experiences and reflections of revolt, struggle, and everyday resistance. We accept content that shares the general perspectives and aspirations of North Shore Counter-Info, mainly anarchist, anti-authoritarian, and anti-capitalist. 
While we accept a diversity of content, we are most interested in submissions that engage with and/or are relevant to the projects, actions, discussions, and debates of the region. If you would like to make a submission, please take a look at our About page and consider the following loose guidelines:
  • Examples of contributions include report-backs, communiques, editorials, interviews, publications, articles/essays, critiques, flyers, posters, event callouts and announcements, documentaries, etc.
  • Please proofread, edit for spelling and grammar, and where applicable fact check your piece.
  • Do not share anything that could directly or indirectly incriminate anyone. Assume that anything posted on the website will be read by both friends and enemies. 
  • Please limit linking to or reposting items from corporate media. If a comrade, movement, or independent source is unavailable, provide some context and analysis. 
  • While we take some steps to protect you (no logging of IPs, https), we encourage you to submit to this site anonymously and using Tor/TAILS. Please remove metadata from photos and videos, for instance by opening a photo in GIMP and exporting them without exif information
  • Only the title and content fields are required, but please put your location in as a tag (eg: Sarnia, Hamilton, Whitby …) so that the the site can be searched by location
  • You can add images using the buttons below the post. We accept embedded video and audio only from to reduce the risk of IP tracking. We can also host your pdfs, video, and audio for you; either send them to us by email or include a link in your post.