Toronto: Free Transit Now Means Nobody Pays

Submitted anonymously to North Shore

Transit is a part of daily life for so many of us, and is entangled in issues of class, accessibility, race, the environment, among others.

In so-called Toronto we’ve been disgusted by the recent ad campaign on the TTC discouraging fare evasion, and the expansion of fare enforcement [link to TTC site]. At the end of November, the TTC is ending the sale of tokens, pushing people towards the less-accessible, more easily surveilled Presto card.

We’ve been inspired by and want to express solidarity with the mass fare evasions led by youth and racialized communities from Chile to New York. We share in their struggles against poverty, criminalization and police brutality.

We’d like to call attention to the call for mass fare evasion [link to crimethinc] on November 29  (the same day as a climate mobilization led by Fridays for Future here in Toronto, which we see as related – fair transit is climate justice!) and to a website with posters, stickers and resources for our local context:

Power to the fare evaders!