Kingston: Radio Pandemic — surveillance, rent, and killing time

From Radio Pandemic

Radio Pandemic is a three-times a week live call in show on CFRC in Kingston that started on March 23 as a space for people to discuss COVID-19 and especially society’s reactions to it. It highlights critical perspectives on what’s going on and tries to broaden the conversation about the virus, while making lots of space for personal reflections and factual information. They are well worth a listen during long days around the house

There have been five episodes so far and we collect them below, locally hosted on North Shore for convenience. The next episode is tomorrow, Friday April 3, at 8pm on CFRC 101.9. This is live radio made by volunteers at the community radio station, with all that entails.

March 23

Basic info about the virus, comparing notes about how daily life has changed, discussion of various practices for avoiding transmission, ways people are finding to kill time at home.

March 25

Work! Are you still working? What’s it like? What kinds of work are essential? Are you off work? What does that mean for you?

March 27

Social pressure. How have you been dealing with seeing people not taking things as seriously (or seriously in the same way)? How do you feel about the social pressure and (increasingly literal) policing of behaviour going on?

March 30

Rent is due. Discussion of rent strikes, landlords, and how and why people won’t pay.

April 1

How do you feel about the government measures so far? Too far? Not enough? Conversation with a prof from Queen’s University’s Surveillance Studies department

The show is running live Monday and Wednesday at 1pm and Fridays at 8 until further notice. Updates on twitter here: