Save the date: (tentatively) Announcing the 2020 Toronto Anarchist Bookfair!

Anonymous submission to North Shore

While we don’t know what the coming months will look like, we are excited to announce and invite you to mark your calendars for the Toronto Anarchist Bookfair on October 24, 2020.

While there is much uncertainty in the world right now, it is our hope and intention to host a bookfair this year. The need for many of our ongoing projects hasn’t stopped, and in fact the need for community organizing, direct action, and mutual aid has become more urgent than ever in the time of COVID-19. Similarly, we think it is important to maintain this project if we can, and have something to work toward and look forward to. We really hope that we will be able to come together for a much-needed community gathering in October 2020. If we can’t, we’ll explore other options, and continue to work on a plan that will allow us to gather in person as soon as we’re able.

Keep an eye on or the Toronto Anarchist Bookfair facebook page ( in the coming months for updates!