Kingston: Defend Wedzin Kwa – Banner Drop

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info

On the morning of October 6th we dropped a banner beside the 401, partially covering up a sign celebrating the colonial legacy of John A Macdonald and the city of Kingston. The banner read:


We dropped this banner as a small gesture of solidarity with Wet’suwet’en people defending their territory from incursions by the RCMP and Coastal GasLink. As of September 25th, Wet’suwet’en and allies at the Gidimt’en Checkpoint have maintained blockades to stop imminent drilling under the Wedzin Kwa. We are inspired by their fight and by the wave of solidarity actions that took place last winter. We hope to see many more actions continue in the near future.

Members of the Gidimt’en Clan are calling for supporters to come to the Yintah as well as to take action where they stand – check out this call for a Week of Action October 9 – 15

We also wish to express our sorrow and deep solidarity with all survivors of residential schools. We are not sure what true reconciliation would look like but we are very certain it does not look like forcibly removing Wet’suwet’en people from their territories to build fracked gas pipelines.

To everyone holding it down at the blockades, stay strong! We are behind you 100%.