Punch Up Collective: Getting It Together

From Punch Up Collective

Getting It Together: An Online Workshop for Organizing Collectives for the Real World

Saturday, April 23rd, 2022
Online – Zoom
Ottawa, on unceded Algonquin territory

Facilitated by the Punch Up Collective, this workshop is for anyone interested in starting a collective, or those keen to discuss how to make a collective they’re already a part of more effective and sustainable.

We live in a frightening and unpredictable period, faced with the growing challenges of climate catastrophe, ongoing economic austerity and state violence, and emboldened white supremacy. Countering these challenges will take widespread, powerful, and resilient social movements that can sustain themselves over the long haul. But how do we get from here to there, when so many of our organizations and projects seem temporary, ad hoc, and dysfunctional? We think building vibrant, sustainable collectives in our communities is a good place to start!

Some topics the workshop will cover include:

-what is a collective
-why meaningful anti-oppression analysis and practice is essential for collectives
-tools and features of effective collectives
-time for discussion and reflection on the experiences of participants

The workshop will last 2 hours (with one break) and be facilitated by the members of the Punch Up Collective. This workshop is directed at folks organizing (or interested in organizing) in Ottawa. If you’re not in Ottawa but are really keen on attending, give us a shout at punchup@riseup.net

To register, please fill out this form:  ttps://forms.gle/KvMrd3GgvhbCPZGf8

The deadline to register is Saturday April 16th. There is no cost to participate in this event. Please see the registration form for accessibility information.

This is a shorter version of an in-person workshop we have previously facilitated. To make up for lost time, we’ll be asking participants to complete a couple short readings in advance of the workshop (they will be emailed to participants in advance).