Toronto: Flood For Rafah – Three MP Offices Targeted

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info

North Shore editorial note: We decided to relay this communique despite its celebration of authoritarian pseudo-state militias. Solidarity with people in struggle doesn’t mean solidarity with its self-appointed vanguard.

In the early hours of May 29th, people of conscience in Toronto descended upon MP offices across our city to send a message to Liberal Party genocidaires that Toronto will escalate for Gaza.

In direct response to the Zionist-led and Canadian-funded tent massacre in Rafah, people attacked the offices of MP Julie Dzerowicz, Justice Minister and Attorney General Arif Virani, and MP James Maloney: all politicians abetting daily atrocities in Gaza. These three MP offices were targeted with the message “Rafah is Burning, Toronto Will Too”. Their windows were stained in red paint as a symbol of their blood soaked hands. This message should be read as an urgent caution to immediately stop the flow of arms and trade between both settler entities. As long as Rafah burns, escalation will continue.

These actions were taken to honour all of the martyrs of Palestine including those of the Palestinian Resistance putting their bodies on the frontlines of the battle against Zionist colonialism. In the words of Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qassem, we must not be satisfied with merely chanting slogans. Form a crew, take action, escalate.


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