Let’s be honest, this was a fucking summer camp: a postmortem of the failures of UofT’s so-called People’s Circle for Palestine

As the zionist entity’s siege on Gaza enters its ninth month, the now-dead People’s Circle for Palestine at UofT joins the ashes of Northwestern, McMaster, and numerous others as an exemplar of liberal cowardice in the face of a livestreamed genocide. Not only did this encampment fail to deliver on its stated goals of disclosure, divestment, and termination, it betrayed both the people that made it possible as well as the movement at large. Far from opening up new terrains of escalatory struggle, the organizers of this People’s Circle spent the sixty-three days of its existence working tirelessly to make it a remarkable case study in defanging and dismantling the budding militancy of the local movement. It perverted its own promises, violated every principle of liberatory organizing; it wasted multiple weeks sabotaging the efforts of its own comrades while thousands in Gaza continued to be murdered. It turned something that could have been revolutionary for the city’s organizing scene to a summer camp that years on will likely be remembered with nothing but shame. It was a disappointment and a disgrace. Read More …

Attack Scotiabank

In London Ontario we attacked and will continue to attack Scotiabank, because of their role as a major investor in the Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, Elbit.

We believe that as long as the genocide in Palestine continues, not a single Scotiabank should see peace in this city and there will be no business as usual in our community.

May the flame that burns inside us, burn everything around us Read More …

Toronto: Flood For Rafah – Three MP Offices Targeted

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info North Shore editorial note: We decided to relay this communique despite its celebration of authoritarian pseudo-state militias. Solidarity with people in struggle doesn’t mean solidarity with its self-appointed vanguard. In the early hours of May 29th, people of conscience in Toronto descended upon MP offices across our city to send a message to Liberal Party genocidaires that Toronto will escalate for Gaza. In direct Read More …

Canadian Tire Fire #69: Direct Action Against NorthVolt, Solidarity with Palestine Roundup, and Renewed Forestry Blockades in Atikamekw Territory

From It’s Going Down In this month’s column, we’ve got updates on a wide range of struggles. First, some headlines. Mining Injustice Solidarity Network held an demonstration to disrupt the annual Prospectors & Developers Association Conference (PDAC) in Toronto. The conference brings together mining industry actors from around the world. The protestors hoped to disrupt the event, sharing analysis that Canadian mining destroys, kills and colonizes across Turtle Island and Read More …

A Call to Gather

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info This morning, the Washington Post published an article about US Air Force serviceman, Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire outside of the Israeli consulate in Washington, D.C. this week. The first sentence of the article reads: Less than two weeks before Aaron Bushnell walked toward the gates of the Israeli Embassy on Sunday, he and a friend talked by phone about their shared Read More …

Canadian Tire Fire #68: Resisting the Northvolt Battery Plant, Students Walkout Against Anti-Trans Laws, Palestine Solidarity Continues

From Canadian Tire Fire In today’s column, we take a look at the forms of resistance taking shape against Quebec’s Northvolt battery plant. We also look at responses to new anti-trans legislation in Alberta, and statistics around pre-trial detention in Ontario. Finally, we provide a roundup of Palestine solidarity actions and news over the last month. Resistance to Quebec’s Northvolt Battery Plant In January, opponents of a huge electric vehicle Read More …

Solidarity Against Repression – Action Against Indigo

From Montreal Counter-info In the early morning of January 13th, we took an action in solidarity with the arrestees of November 23rd, 2023, in Toronto. The Toronto police poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into breaking into homes, handcuffing the elderly, sacking personal belongings, and terrorizing families. Parents were handcuffed in front of their children. One person arrived home to find their door broken down and a patio chair throw Read More …

In stunning pre-dawn raids, Toronto police ‘terrorize’ Palestine activists

From The Breach (Martin Lukacs) On Wednesday [November 22nd] at 5:30 a.m., Sharmeen Khan woke up to a police officer in her bedroom shining a flashlight in her face. Soon, there were several officers in her hallway. Ordered to get up, police watched her and her partner get dressed, before she was handcuffed. The apartment of the Toronto bookkeeper and educator was then searched and ransacked: drawers emptied, laundry dumped Read More …

Stronger Together: Worried About Repression? Read This!

Several arrests were made in Tkaronto this morning in relation to Palestine solidarity organizing. Police raided the homes of at least 6 individuals and seized electronics including phones and laptops. These people are being supported by a legal team and comrades.

As movements grow and become successful, repression follows. It is inevitable in strong movements and we should not be surprised – but we can and should be prepared. Read More …

Canadian Tire Fire #65: Palestine Solidarity, Wave of Office Occupations, Drug User Liberation Front Raid and Arrests

This week the bulk of our column is dedicated to covering Palestine solidarity efforts across the country. Read on for a round up of occupations, sit-ins, marches, blockades and more.

We also cover the late October arrests of the founders of the Drug User Liberation Front in Vancouver, and a raid of the groups offices. Cops want to make sure that anyone getting safe drugs into the hands of drug users is punished, so people continue to die from criminalization and the contaminated drug supply. Read More …