From Embers: New Communication Infrastructure For Anarchists

By From Embers Interview with the author of the PET Guide, a zine discussing secure digital communication tools from an anarchist perspective. We discuss Signal and its critics, and some new tools being released that incorporate peer-to-peer communication, end-to-end encryption and the Tor network. Further reading: How the U.S. Military buys location data from ordinary apps The challenge of cracking Iran’s internet blockade Catholic bishop / Grindr / App data Read More …

Signal Fails

Signal is an encrypted messaging service that has been around in different forms for about 10 years. Since then, I have seen the software widely adopted by anarchist networks across Canada and the United States. More and more, for better and for worse, our interpersonal and group conversations have moved onto the Signal platform, to the extent that it has become the dominant way anarchists communicate with each other on this continent, with very little public debate about the implications. Read More …