Peterborough: “Irrepressible” A Success

Submitted anonymously to North Shore

I must apologize for the delay on posting this update. The event held in Nogojiwanong / Peterborough on Friday, July 13th, “Irrepressible: A Fundraiser for Hamilton Anarchist Support & Beyond Support Zine Launch” was a success.

Toronto’s HOMO ALONE and locals G.O.D. and GARBAGEFACE rocked, as well as DJ Legion (“for we are many” vinyl) on the turntables  pinning punk and hardcore.

The forces of repression did pay us a visit due to a noise complaint, but they missed the party. If they had arrived moments earlier during GARBAGEFACE’s set they would have been subject to criminally sick raps and a potentially lethal lightshow.

We made about $250 at the door. Combined with a donation from an especially generous comrade of $30, a total payment of $282.10 was sent over to the Tower fundraising link. Also, 200 copies of the Beyond Support zine were printed and some distributed at the show to anyone who would take one at the door (probably about 25 people). More have been spread since at other events and parties and left in different locations downtown. These have been a conversation piece indeed.

A hearty thank you to…

Everyone who came out to the event; Matt and Sadleir House for hosting the event; Michael for working the bar and sound; Dave T. for holding it down volunteering to keep an eye on the show for Matt and working the bar, sound and giving a band member a lift with gear at the end of the night; the bands: Toronto’s HOMO ALONE, and locals G.O.D. and GARBAGEFACE; Leezus for lending me the turntable; BP for lending me the mixer for the turntables; the retired THROWING AWAY CRAP PRODUCTIONS for posting the event on social surveillance media; the collective authors and producers of the Beyond Support zine; and lastly the Locke St. anarchist defendants. We’re thinking of you!