Where do you stand? Pride action in the class war of Toronto gay village

This pride week, residents of Toronto’s Queer Village woke up to a question they can no longer avoid answering: WHERE DO YOU STAND?

On June 26 2020, an ad hoc affinity group of queer and trans Village dwellers peppered the historically queer Church and Wellesley neighbourhood and the blocks surrounding — our turf — with circular floor decals, a now familiar feature of the pandemic urban landscape. Read More …

Kingston: Graffiti for Cedar

Anonymous submission to Northshore Counter-Info Last night we left graffiti reading FREE CED(A)R on Montreal Street in Kingston. It felt appropriate to make use of the steel shutters of the Elm Cafe to share our message. The shutters were installed last year following repeated unclaimed vandalism against the gentrifying business, provoking outrage among local yuppies as well as certain ‘progressives’ who rush to defend the sanctity of small business. We Read More …