Attack Scotiabank

In London Ontario we attacked and will continue to attack Scotiabank, because of their role as a major investor in the Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, Elbit.

We believe that as long as the genocide in Palestine continues, not a single Scotiabank should see peace in this city and there will be no business as usual in our community.

May the flame that burns inside us, burn everything around us Read More …

Hamilton New Years Noise Demo Reportback 2023

For the 15th year in a row, we lit up the sky with fireworks to deliver warm new years greetings to prisoners in Hamilton, ON. 

Our first stop was to the George R Force Group Home, an open custody and detention facility for youth (ie. some residents may be allowed to leave at times, others aren’t). Whatever the name, this is a jail for kids, and is part of a prison system that we want to completely destroy. Around 30 of us filled the street outside, displaying our Happy New Year banner and setting off fireworks. We could only be sure that one kid caught the show, but hopefully it made a difference in their night.  Read More …

Hamilton: Reflections on Ongoing Hunger Strike in the Barton Jail (Spring 2023)

This past Wednesday, April 19, 2023, we received word that prisoners on all the ranges on the fourth floor of the Barton Jail had coordinated to begin a hunger strike. At the same time and without knowing about what was going on upstairs, prisoners on the third floor had drafted and circulated a five-page letter outlining their issues with conditions in the prison. It was signed by all prisoners on several ranges and was delivered to the superintendant. Once the prisoners on 3 learned about the strike, they joined in the next day, on April 20. Read More …

Oshawa – Fascism will not take hold here again

Lately, Oshawa has had a lot of Nazi symbols like swastikas and racist slogans being tagged. We decided to send a message that hate has no home in this city. Historically, neo-Nazis and white supremacists had a strangle hold on this city and we will not allow them to build a platform here again. The community needs to fight back and take a stand while the Nazis are still weak and underground.

Spray paint is cheap and can go anywhere, let these cowards know that fascism will not take hold here again! Read More …

Renfrew Pride Defence Reportback

On November 25, around 30 people rallied outside a Catholic high school in Renfrew, Ontario, against trans girls using the women’s washroom. While officially, it was called by a Grade 11 student, it brought out a mix of their local and big-city far right. The poster for the event had the logos for Freedom Fighters Canada, Save Canada, and Ontario Party, a few of the many groups that have come from the anti-mandate movement. The organizer’s own social media also makes it clear that he’s familiar and integrated with the far-right ecosystem of the Ottawa occupation. Read More …

Hamilton Queer Community Defence Reportback

On November 24, people in Hamilton showed up to support a drag storytime event after word spread online that haters would be coming to protest it. Some of the apparent organizers of the event emerged from the ‘freedom convoy’ movement but lately seem to have been focusing on queer/trans-related issues, especially those concerning kids.  Read More …

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito! From Barton to Bancali \\ Solidarité avec Alfredo Cospito! De Barton à Bancali

We were out holding up a banner with a phone number on it to connect with prisoners at the Barton jail in Hamilton, Canada, the way we usually do, but we thought we would also take a moment to express our solidarity with anarchist prisoners in struggle.

Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike since October 20th to demand that he be moved out of segregation and have his phone calls, mail, and visits restored. He was placed in these conditions back in May essentially to punish him for staying involved in the anarchist struggle from inside. Read More …

A Love Letter To The Wet’suwet’en (And Their Allies) Who Fight For The Land

We heard some Wet’suwet’en Chiefs were visiting Six Nations territory Tuesday. We appreciate the energy and determination the Wet’sutwet’en have shown towards defending the land and lives of their people. We wanted to welcome them to the area.

We cannot be out west with you, but we are with you from here.

In the night of July 31, 2022 several small groups enjoyed the cool evening and – where opportunities presented themselves – took small actions against local rail infrastructure. Read More …