May Day Events Across Southern Ontario

Spring has arrived, and that means that across the world anti-capitalists are preparing to mark International Workers Day, also known as May Day. Every year on May 1st, anti-capitalists of all stripes come together to remember both the red and green origins of May Day with events ranging from community socials and free meals to marches, strikes and direct action. See below for a brief list of May Day events Read More …

KW: Unpopular Anarchist Thoughts: Some reflections on the actions to oppose Faith Goldy at WLU

Submitted anonymously to Northshore On Tuesday March 20th the Laurier Student for Open Inquiry, headed by recent alt-right darling Lindsay Shephard (who you may remember from Laurier’s previous row about ‘free speech’), attempted to host a talk by white supremacist Faith Goldy. There have been reports of local alt-right students and activists in attendance, a showing of the Proud Boys (who recently attempted to hold a rally in Brantford), George Read More …

Under New Management: Resistance to Prisons in Ontario & Quebec

From It’s Going Down (Part I – Part II – Zine PDF) Intro from the IGD Bloc Party column: In an effort to broaden our coverage of prisons across the borders to both the North and South of us, we’ve brought in some comrades from so-called Canada to share a history of the establishment of the Canadian prison system, as well as a history of resistance in Ontario and Quebec. Read More …