International Call For New Year’s Eve Noise Demonstrations

This is a call for a raucous night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state on one of the noisiest nights of the year. On New Year’s Eve gather your crew, collective, community, organization, or just yourself and come together to raise a racket and remind those on the inside that they are not alone.

Internationally, noise demonstrations outside of prisons are a way to remember those who are held captive by the state and a way to show solidarity with imprisoned comrades and loved ones. We come together to break the loneliness and isolation. Read More …

Report back from the 10th annual prisoner solidarity demo in Hamilton (and Milton!) Ontario

The end of 2018 marks the 10th year that anarchists in Hamilton have been doing prisoner solidarity demos. Shit, eh? It’s tradition for folks to travel to another city, usually to a prison that a friend is being held captive at, then return home to end the night at Barton Street Jail. This year folks decided to go to Vanier Center for Women, because 9 years later… our dear pal Cedar is inside. Read More …