Hamilton: Charges Dropped Against 2 Pride Defenders

After months and months of utter nonsense, it is with great joy we announce today that two of the Pride Defenders have just had their charges DROPPED! While we may never know the reasons for this victory, we know that the public pressure campaign could only have helped so thank you, thank you for your continued support.

Let’s take a moment to celebrate!!!!

But while we’re putting our party hats on, let’s also take a moment to remember that THREE queer comrades are still facing charges. It is important to note that the people still in the courts are the three who are alleged to have defended Pride from the homophobic preachers, while the charges that have been dropped were related to crybaby Fred calling the cops on queers who allegedly delivered him some lawn signs. We are still being criminalized for defending ourselves. Read More …

The Saga Continues: Updates on Queer Resistance and Repression in Hamilton

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info It’s been an incredibly hectic few weeks in Hamilton, and the situation here has been constantly evolving. Things have been beyond enraging and occasionally heartbreaking, but also quite inspiring and frequently heartwarming. For all the bullshit, stress, and violence, folks in the city have been radicalizing, conversations have been shifting (suddenly it’s not so controversial to hate the police or to condemn city council!), Read More …

Fuck the Police for Ever: Arrested for Lawn Signs

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info Let me tell you a funny story. On Friday June 28, 2019 in the early afternoon I was getting excited for a queer dance party that would soon take over the streets of Hamilton; one more action showcasing queer resilience and resistance here in Hamilton, despite police repression.  I was telling my friend about is as we drove across town, not even a little Read More …