Help Build a New Resistance Camp on Wet’suwet’en Territory!

Submitted anonymously to North Shore Counter-Info.

The Likhts’amisyu Clan, one of the five clans of the Wet’suwet’en
Nation, will soon be asserting their sovereignty by creating a new,
permanent land reclamation on their territory. In doing so, they are
requesting support with their upcoming Spring Construction Camp,
scheduled to begin on April 28th, 2019.

For almost ten years, the Wet’suwet’en have been resisting an array of
oil and gas pipelines with the purpose of transporting bitumen from the
Alberta tar sands and fracked gas from Northeastern B.C. to the
Northwest Coast for export. The focal point of these efforts have been
the Unist’ot’en Camp, a long-standing territorial re-occupation which
was built directly in the path of the proposed pipeline corridor Years
of resistance have caused multiple multi-billion-dollar projects to be
delayed and/or cancelled, however, this winter, the Coastal GasLink
pipeline corporation obtained an injunction, and in January, the RCMP
raided the Gidim’ten Access Checkpoint, which had been established on
the road leading to the Unist’ot’en Camp. Several days later, CGL and
the RCMP breached the gate at the Unist’ot’en Camp.

It is important that people realize that this fight is far from over.
The events of December and January should be regarded as one phase in a
struggle that has been going on for a decade. A new phase of struggle
will begin in the Spring of this year, and it may prove to be the
decisive one. Part of the strategy is to stymie CGL by blocking them at
multiple points. Whereas at the beginning of December, there was one
resistance camp on Wet’suwet’en territory, there are now three, and a
fourth will be beginning soon. We encourage all committed land defenders
to plan to participate in the struggle on Wet’suwet’en territory this
Spring and Summer.

The Sovereign Likhts’amisyu Camp benefit from the leadership of two
renown warrior chiefs, Smolgelgem and Dsahayl. Smolgelgem (also known as
Toghestiy and Warner Naziel) co-founded the Unist’ot’en Camp and has
been a driving force in the Wet’suwet’en resistance, and in the
indigenous sovereignty movement of Turtle Island. Dsahayl, also a
Likhts’amisyu chief, has decades of experience fighting for Wet’suwet’en
rights, particularly in regards to fishing and conservation. The two of
them are organizing with the full support of their clan behind them.

The new Likhts’amisyu Camp will be strategically located in order to
impede the ability of the Coastal GasLink corporation to force their
pipeline through Wet’suwet’en land.

The chiefs state: “We will be building permanent buildings on our
territory in an effort to assert our precolonial rights and jurisdiction
on our lands. We will be asking for help from volunteers to assist in
fundraising, building a cabin, a kitchen dining and a bunk house, and
also the associated outbuildings.

We plan on the Construction Period being between April 28th until May
18th. This initiative will likely start with site prep before April 28,
2019 with site preparation and logistical planning. It will also likely
continue after May 18, 2019, with finishing off the construction

We are looking for people who have carpentry, electrical, and log
construction experience. We are also willing to invite people who have
little to no experience with any construction trade skills but who are
solid and willing to help out with the construction projects. This is a
great opportunity to learn new skills off of skilled trades people. We
also hope to start a large garden on the site for growing food. First
Aid skills and Cooking skills are also essential personnel to have at
our camp.”

We are also requesting help in other areas as well, such as
fund-raising. If you would like to offer assistance in any way, please
do not hesitate to get in touch.

For more information, please visit or email and/or