US Solidarity With Queer and Trans Anarchists in Hamilton

From It’s Going Down

A friend put it best when they said that Hamilton cops “kicked a hornet’s nest” in their recent arrest of our beloved Cedar and continued targeting of queer and trans anarchists in so-called Hamilton, Ontario. Indeed, we are an outraged bunch of queer and trans anarchists living in the so-called United States who see much of our own identities and struggles reflected in the ongoing situation in Hamilton, and seek to express our ongoing support and solidarity with Cedar and their comrades in this challenging time.

Cedar was arrested on Saturday, June 22nd as the police attempted to link them to an incident that occurred the previous weekend in which white nationalist homophobes attacked queer and trans people at Hamilton’s Pride and some queer and trans anarchists defended themselves against that attack. We support their brave actions, but feel it necessary to point out that Cedar wasn’t even at Pride or anywhere near the park where it was being held during the time of these events. Facing a warrant, another queer person turned themselves in on Monday afternoon and was charged with two counts of violating probation. Meanwhile, the police continue to seek additional people who they allege were involved in the incident at Pride, with more arrests potentially looming.

Cedar is currently on a hunger strike in order to apply pressure for speedy access to a parole hearing. At the time of their arrest, Cedar was on parole as part of a noncooperating plea agreement for their alleged participation in an anti-gentrification demo last March. Then, as now, Cedar has been targeted by the state for their public commitment to anarchism. Both of their arrests have been carried out as retaliation for their vocal resistance to state domination.

We reject the myth perpetuated by the Hamilton police, provincial government, and local media that queer and trans anarchists are to blame for the white supremacist attack on queer and trans people. It is imperative that anarchists in the so-called United States understand this incident of state repression in Hamilton as part of a long and multifaceted queer and trans anarchist struggle that transcends borders, and in which we all have a stake. For decades alongside our comrades in so-called Canada, many of us have seen our queerness, our transness as inseparable from our anarchism, and have often brought the two together in a multitude of queer and trans anarchist tendencies, groups, and projects, all the while lending solidarity across borders. We know that any sort of liberatory society has to involve both personal and political transformation as we struggle to dismantle the institutions of domination.

We urge anarchists, queers, trans folks, and anyone committed to liberation in the so-called United States to act in solidarity with queer anarchists in so-called Hamilton this Friday, June 28, and to share the call for action widely.

with tremendous love and rage,

Some queer & trans anarchists in the so-called United States

P.S. We know that legal costs can add up quickly, so donate if you can! Folks can send donations via PayPal to thetower [at] riseup [dot] net with “legal fees” as the subject line.