Hamilton: Letter Writing Night in Solidarity with Atlanta Arrestees

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info On Saturday, we brought some friends together to write letters to the people accused of domestic terrorism and held without bond in Georgia. We talked about the case and about cop city and sent out as many letters as we could. It’s a small thing, but small gestures of solidarity like this are happening all over and we thought it might be worth saying Read More …

RBC: Divest from CGL

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info Wet’suwet’en Solidarity Monday April 11th, 2022 Tiohtià:ke/Montreal In the early afternoon, a small group of anarchists snuck into the RBC offices at Place Ville-Marie. Armed with flyers, stickers and spray paint cans, they left a message for the bank: DIVEST FROM CGL. Since the Fall of 2021, the Wet’suwet’en have been actively campaigning for RBC to stop funding the destruction of their land, but Read More …

Hamilton Supporters of Wet’suwet’en Shut Down Shell Terminal

On Tuesday, November 23rd, around 7 am, about 40+ community members gathered at the gates of the Shell terminal in Hamilton located at 391 Burlington St E, blocking refuelling tankers from entering or leaving the facility. 

Royal Dutch Shell is a key stakeholder in the LNG canada project, which includes an export facility in Kitimat as well as the Coastal Gas Link pipeline itself. Shell was responsible for choosing TC Energy to build and operate the pipeline, which if successfully built would transport liquid natural gas over the 670km through the unceded territory of many Indigenous Nations including the Wet’suwet’en. Hereditary leadership from all house groups have been resisting pipeline development through their Yintahs for over a decade. Read More …

Argument for Supporting The Sick Day Solidarity Fund

There has been a call from bureaucrats and reformists not to support the Sick Day Solidarity Fund. They say it distracts from their “real” organizing and promotes charity. First of all, what organizing? Signing petitions and telling people to vote NDP next year? If you want to spear head a campaign that focuses on that, fine. But this sectarian mentality of “my way is the only correct way” promotes an idealist purity that does nothing to help the working class; neither immediately nor in the future. There are a multitude of ways to organize and take action, shitting on each other and knee capping each others’ organizing efforts is not the way to do it. Read More …

Hamilton: Banner Drop in Solidarity with Freedom Camp

One week ago today, the 14 day occupation of Hamilton City Hall known as Freedom Camp came down voluntarily. For two weeks, Black and Brown youth organized the tent city and gathering place to demand a 50% reduction in the Hamilton Police budget and to have that money reallocated towards free housing for houseless folks who have been left out in the cold during a pandemic. Meals and shelter were provided to any houseless folks who came to find some help, until of course the city came in and ripped down all of their tents as is their disgusting mission these days. But those youth stayed strong and held out, helping folks come down from drugs in a gentle way, keeping people warm, and pressing the limits of what Sad Fred (the mayor) could handle. At one point, they even brought a coffin to his front yard. Read More …

Hamilton Update: News About Arrests and Tips for Staying Safe at the Blockades to Come

Several arrests in Hamilton have been made in relation to the recent blockade action that saw rail lines shut down in response to the OPP raid in Tyendinaga early this week. Police took people from their homes and workplaces, for a total of 4 arrests at this time. These people are currently all still in police custody and will be appearing in court for bail in the next couple days. While unfortunate and enraging, none of this is surprising. Over the course of the last month, wave after wave of blockades and other actions have swept across the country causing incalculable economic damage and throwing Canada and its treatment of indigenous communities into the global spotlight. It was only a matter of time until the state responded with force and began to target those involved. This week appears to have been a tipping point in this regard, with police increasingly making arrests in different cities.  Read More …

Ottawa: Solidarity Climate Action for the Amazon Rainforest Fires

Report back from Ottawa for the Global Day of Actions for the Amazon

After the fires in the Amazon rainforest received widespread attention in late August, September 5 was a global day of action in solidarity with a call from Indigenous peoples of the Brazilian Amazon, promoted globally by Amazon Watch and Extinction Rebellion; in Brazil it was the annual Amazon Day, Dia da Amazônia.

Below is a statement from organizers of an action in Ottawa, written in response to media request, followed by some other points of reference. Read More …

Support for the hamilton queers from Clermont-Ferrand, France

In this rotten city of Clermont-Ferrand (center of France), two Prides (two, yes two…) were called last Saturday. So we went to the two of them, to inform about the jailed Hamilton queers. At the first one (the more « militant » one), we handed out the leaflet, had some discussions, and then we left, refusing to walk with the cops and the press (which asked us for the info that we refused to give them). Read More …

Gidimt’en Access Point Solidarity Statement with Pride Defenders

On June 15 participants at Hamilton’s Pride celebrations were attacked by members of the far-Right. This is a statement we’re releasing to the Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ community of Hamilton. To the Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ community of Hamilton: It was with sadness and feelings of encouragement that we heard about the events at Hamilton’s Pride celebration on June 15th and about what has happened since then. Sadness that some people would Read More …