How to Burn American & Canadian Flags

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info (PDFs linked below) We’ve updated this poster and included a version for our relatives in so-called Canada! The so-called “United States” and KKKanadian flags represent Indigenous genocide, African slavery, ecocide, & ongoing imperialist aggression throughout the world. When symbols are burned & monuments destroyed, the ideas & institutions that they represent become diminished. Agitative propaganda (agitprop) can inspire & build morale, it can also Read More …

Peaceful Protest, Outside Agitators, and the State: A Letter to BIPOC Comrades

It’s been a week of intensity nearly unknown in our lifetimes. I, like many of you, have been glued to my phone for updates from the streets. I watched in both horror and unbridaled joy at the images of burning cop cars and precincts, the gutted Targets and Footlockers. Joy because I think it is a beautiful thing to see such complete antagonism towards a system that has oppressed Black and Brown communities for so long. Antagonism not tempered by liberal notions of “peace” or “civility”. But also horror at the images of the police shooting medics with “less lethal weapons” at close range, or shoving an old man  backwards and walking by him without notice as he convulses on the ground. I watched. I beared witness. I allowed myself to feel the seething anger. Read More …

Piles of Bricks and Other Things That Are Beside the Point: 11 Arguments Against Protest Conspiracies

We’ve seen a lot of people on social media spreading rumours and sharing conspiracy theories about the uprising currently going on South of the border. These might be rumours about potential white supremacist attacks and interventions or conspiracies about police agents being responsible for violence carried out by protestors. This kind of online behaviour is harmful and undermines the movements you’re probably trying to support, and we thought we’d take a minute to break down why we should collectively push back against this trend. Read More …

Love and Rage from so-called Central Vermont

As the sun set over the mountains and the songbirds began to hush, we crept onto a highway overpass to offer a small gesture of solidarity
with queer rebels in Hamilton. We carried out this action in vengeful
catharsis against every queerphobe who has ever dared to mess with us and those we care about. Read More …

San Francisco Solidarity Action With Cedar

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info We glued the locks of the gentrifying business Manny’s and tagged a circle-A and “Free Cedar.” Manny’s is run by a Democratic Party operative who worked as an LGBT advisor to the Obama administration and as a top fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton campaign in Silicon Valley. His cafe is a blatant and sinister attempt to co-opt revolutionary sentiments back into the electoral shit Read More …

US Solidarity With Queer and Trans Anarchists in Hamilton

A friend put it best when they said that Hamilton cops “kicked a hornet’s nest” in their recent arrest of our beloved Cedar and continued targeting of queer and trans anarchists in so-called Hamilton, Ontario. Indeed, we are an outraged bunch of queer and trans anarchists living in the so-called United States who see much of our own identities and struggles reflected in the ongoing situation in Hamilton, and seek to express our ongoing support and solidarity with Cedar and their comrades in this challenging time. Read More …