We will lift each other up: Day 177 update from 1492 Land Back Lane

From @1492LBL’s thread on Twitter: https://twitter.com/1492LBL/status/1348991689805934593

Back in court again today. Many of the 40 arrestees are up in a Cayuga court room facing a vast array of charges. The continuation of the criminalization of land defenders and settler allies.

It is absolutely infuriating that we are talking UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action while jailing our people for simply standing up for lands that the government has admitted they had taken unjustly. The perpetuation of this centuries old agenda of land theft.

If these are the tactics that Canada is going to continue to employ to settle land disputes. Our people will continue to stand up across the country. You have conditioned us to not to fear jail with your massive over incarceration rates.

You have taught us to expect an early grave with police violence and all the missing and murdered. When you threaten to jail us. When you shoot at us, we’ve been there. Our people will be intimidated no longer.

As we continue to rebuild those centuries old relationships that the government has worked so hard to end. We will amplify one another. We will lift each other up. We will take to the streets, the rails and lands. We will put a stop to all this unwanted development, pipelines and resource extraction. To do this we must be united.

We will not go quietly as we push forward. We do not walk this road alone. Many friends, families and allies have all rallied to our aid. To feed us. To make sure we are taken care of. To make sure we are defended as we go through the courts. But also to stand shoulder to shoulder to make sure these lands stay free for the coming generations. For this we are incredibly grateful and proud. Many people continue to bring a hot plates of food. Our chefs are amazing!

We are almost to our legal defence Gofundme campaign goal. We need a bit more help to get there. Our camp fund is always a necessity. As the winter months loom cold and long. Folks can send etransfers directly to the camp at landback6nations@gmail.com