DONT USE MOLOTOVS: Some notes on safely burning teslas (or other cars)

Seeing the wave of tesla arsons has made us incredibly happy. But we are worried to see that many of these attacks have used molotovs

-molotovs aren’t guaranteed to ignite/explode. There have been many cases where police have recovered intact molotov cocktails from attacks. that is a shitton of forensic evidence that detectives WILL exploit.
-Even if the bottle does shatter, the shards of glass still likely contain tons of valuable forensic evidence
-Molotovs are loud and immediately create a big flame, all of which kills the element of surprise needed for arson attacks, which runs the risk of you getting captured or the fire gets extinguished much quicker

ALTERNATIVES: Fire starter cubes, sometimes paired with liquid accelerant in plastic bottles Read More …

Freedonia 2025 Funding Round is Now Open

From Freedonia DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th by 11:59pm After a one year hiatus we are finally back! Over the course of the last year, Freedonia used our downtime to make some big changes and we are excited to share those with you. We have a fancy and more user-friendly new website; we refreshed our application process and improved the forms; and most excitingly, we have revamped our granting structure and Read More …

Call to Action Against the Canadian Mining Company Aclara: #FueraMineraAclara

From Montreal Counter-Info In the Spanish-language document annexed below, the campaign identifies Aclara’s Canadian mailing address as 666 Burrard Street, Suite 1700, in Vancouver, BC. In addition, the University of Toronto has cooperated with the company on research. We want the hills of Penco free from extractivism. Communities from Penco, Lirqué, Tomé and surrounding areas have been struggling against a rare earth mining project for more than ten years. It Read More …

Water, Land, and Freedom: My Journey Through a Decade of Pipeline Resistance on the Yintah and Beyond

From It’s Going Down Franklin Lopez looks back on grassroots movement media and the creation of the documentary film, Yintah. In the summer of 2011, I was exhausted—physically, mentally, creatively. I’d just finished hauling my feature film, END:CIV, across North America, and when I got back to Vancouver, I didn’t even have a place to sleep. So, I did what many DIY filmmakers do: I moved into my van. That’s Read More …

Call to Action Against the PRGT Pipeline

From BC Counter Info As of August 2024, construction work has started on the the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission (PRGT) pipeline. The project is owned by Western LNG and the Nisgaa Nation, the latter which has allowed for construction to start on their land first, the rural Nass river valley that sits adjacent to the pacific ocean. State and industry are committed to developing an “energy corridor” through the remote Read More …

London: Where have all the anarchists gone?

I just moved to London recently, I was excited to see if any anarchists were still active in this unapologetically beautiful, working-class city. Yet the first thing I see when I come is barely any anarchists (which is kind of what I was hoping for).

I was looking forward to getting away from Ottawa because of the obnoxious (and frankly exaggerated) politics of Ottawa, the YCL stood for compliance and the Punch Up Collective was too cagey to join with. Yet, for some reason, I’m determined to find any fellow anarchists within the bricked and woodland areas of the Forest City (at least it’s called that for now, I hope there will be trees left in the future). Read More …

Not Liking Someone Doesn’t Mean They’re a Cop: On Bad-jacketing

Since the commencement of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, millions around the world have taken to the streets in support of Palestine against the genocidal Zionist entity. We are, globally, in an unprecedented moment of anti-imperialist mobilisation, which threatens not only the Zionist occupation but the colonial powers that uphold it.

This text was written through the summer and early autumn of 2024 from Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory (so-called Southern Ontario, Canada), where people, many new to the left, have been facing intensified violence and harassment from both police and Zionists. Protests are regularly met with arrests and other attacks, which have created a climate of fear among attendees and organisers.

At the same time, that fear, combined with a disconnect from previous generations of struggle and an often-unchallenged fear of militancy, has led to practices that end up putting our comrades in more danger. This text hopes to address one such recurring issue. Read More …

From Embers: Five Years After The Brawl At Hamilton Pride

Originally published by From Embers LISTEN HERE Five summers ago on June 15th 2019, a group of homophobic “street preachers” and their white nationalist allies attempted to enter and disrupt the annual Hamilton Pride celebrations at Gage Park. Based on experience the previous year at Hamilton Pride and elsewhere in southern Ontario, anarchists and radical queers were expecting this and had organized to counter them. Wearing pink t-shirts over their faces and carrying a 30’ Read More …

Let’s be honest, this was a fucking summer camp: a postmortem of the failures of UofT’s so-called People’s Circle for Palestine

As the zionist entity’s siege on Gaza enters its ninth month, the now-dead People’s Circle for Palestine at UofT joins the ashes of Northwestern, McMaster, and numerous others as an exemplar of liberal cowardice in the face of a livestreamed genocide. Not only did this encampment fail to deliver on its stated goals of disclosure, divestment, and termination, it betrayed both the people that made it possible as well as the movement at large. Far from opening up new terrains of escalatory struggle, the organizers of this People’s Circle spent the sixty-three days of its existence working tirelessly to make it a remarkable case study in defanging and dismantling the budding militancy of the local movement. It perverted its own promises, violated every principle of liberatory organizing; it wasted multiple weeks sabotaging the efforts of its own comrades while thousands in Gaza continued to be murdered. It turned something that could have been revolutionary for the city’s organizing scene to a summer camp that years on will likely be remembered with nothing but shame. It was a disappointment and a disgrace. Read More …

Bottleneck: A Eulogy for the La Salle Causeway

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info Download printable PDF here Introduction On April Fools Day 2024, Kingston residents received some surprising news – the La Salle Causeway was suddenly “closed until further notice,” without explanation. The bridge – a busy economic artery which links the city’s downtown to the east end – had apparently been damaged during routine construction work and was now unsafe to use. A few days later, Read More …