Attack Scotiabank

In London Ontario we attacked and will continue to attack Scotiabank, because of their role as a major investor in the Israel’s largest arms manufacturer, Elbit.

We believe that as long as the genocide in Palestine continues, not a single Scotiabank should see peace in this city and there will be no business as usual in our community.

May the flame that burns inside us, burn everything around us Read More …

Comparing Far Right Transphobia in so called Canada to Don Hamerquist’s Analysis On Third Position Fascism

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info There is a growing fascist movement in so called Canada, it first appeared from the shadows as the Freedom Convoy which led directly to Hands Off Our Kids. While fascism has been a long time problem in Canada, and there were underground sects that morphed into this current movement, the point of this article isn’t a historical analysis on how it came to be, Read More …

Vancouver: Attorney General’s windows smashed after approving charges for land defenders

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info On Wednesday, David Eby, the Attorney General of BC, fucked up by approving criminal prosecution of contempt charges against Wet’suwet’en land defenders and their supporters. We helped him re-decorate his office in recognition of his poor choices.  Early Tuesday morning, we smashed the glass of his fancy Kitsilano office. We left behind messages demanding that the charges be dropped. Eby and his prosecutors have Read More …

Hoarding Hot Air – Plywood Taken Down at City Hall

Hi, it’s the anarchists. We saw in the newspaper that city officials put up some plywood boards to stop unhoused people from staying warm next to the heating vents at the back of City Hall. We – like everyone else with a pulse – found this absolutely despicable. Facilities director Rom D’Angelo says it’s an issue of “safety” for City Hall staff. What about the safety of the people trying not to freeze to death? He didn’t mention it.
So we just quickly popped out, grabbed some buds, and went to see how easy it was to take down.Turns out, it’s very easy. All you need is a drill with a phillips bit (the little star one). Took about 4 minutes to take all the screws out of the plywood and 1-2 people to carry each board away. With a larger crew, you could take down the metal frame quite quickly so people looking to stay warm wouldn’t have to squeeze through. Read More …

Hamilton Supporters of Wet’suwet’en Shut Down Shell Terminal

On Tuesday, November 23rd, around 7 am, about 40+ community members gathered at the gates of the Shell terminal in Hamilton located at 391 Burlington St E, blocking refuelling tankers from entering or leaving the facility. 

Royal Dutch Shell is a key stakeholder in the LNG canada project, which includes an export facility in Kitimat as well as the Coastal Gas Link pipeline itself. Shell was responsible for choosing TC Energy to build and operate the pipeline, which if successfully built would transport liquid natural gas over the 670km through the unceded territory of many Indigenous Nations including the Wet’suwet’en. Hereditary leadership from all house groups have been resisting pipeline development through their Yintahs for over a decade. Read More …