The History of Gun Control in Canada

From North Saskatchewan Resistance (, a new counter-info project operating in so-called Canada. Tell your friends.

The first gun control law passed in Canada was given royal assent in 1886. It applied only to the Territories, inclusive of what is today Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The scope of this legislation would make even Trudeau blush.

Section 101 of the North-West Territories Act made it illegal for anyone to own, use, transport, buy, or sell any firearms or ammunition for any purpose without the express written permission of the government. The law remained in place until 1905 when Saskatchewan and Alberta became provinces. The reasoning behind this bill, passed into law by the conservative Macdonald government, was to stamp out all remaining dissent against the Canadian state, especially by the Native and Métis inhabitants of the Territories, who in those days comprised the majority. Even with the leaders of the North-West Rebellion all brutally executed or exiled, the heavily-militarized North-West Mounted Police roaming the countryside, and the majority of the First Nations population corralled onto tiny reserves, the federal government felt the need to fully disarm the wild West. From that year on, the history of gun control in Canada has been a long history of the state disarming the people at the first flash of discontent. Read More …

Fuck the Police for Ever: Arrested for Lawn Signs

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info Let me tell you a funny story. On Friday June 28, 2019 in the early afternoon I was getting excited for a queer dance party that would soon take over the streets of Hamilton; one more action showcasing queer resilience and resistance here in Hamilton, despite police repression.  I was telling my friend about is as we drove across town, not even a little Read More …

Staying Out Means Fighting Back! Solidarity with Cedar MTL

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info. SPEECH given at the SOLIDARITY WITH CEDAR & DROP ALL CHARGES AGAINST PRIDE DEFENDERS demo, MONTREAL, July 28th. (English follows below) Bonsoir tout le monde, Merci d’être! Il est un grand plaisir de vous voir en grand nombre pour prendre la rue ensemble. Pour démontrer notre solidarité avec les accusées de Fierté Hamilton et notre amie Cedar qui reste en prison. On est Read More …

Queer Ninjas Take Back Our Flags

Submitted anonymously to North Shore The rumours are true and the loot is ours. Last Thursday (June 20), under the cover of night, a fearless team of Queer Ninjas, using Trans-Batman-grade suction cups and Super Lesbionic Wonder Woman lassoes, scaled the clammy, heaving walls of Hamilton’s City Hall and reclaimed our rightful property. Our highly skilled infiltrators easily pierced the fortress of servanthood, dismantling the two centre flag poles and Read More …

2019 Certain Days Calendar

From It’s Going Down We are happy to announce that pre-sales for the 2019 Certain Days calendar have begun! Order now and calendars will ship around September 10th. You can order in the United States, Canada and Internationally at: The Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organizers in Montreal, Hamilton, New York and Baltimore, in partnership with a political Read More …