Hamilton: Free Gaza Banner Drop

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info On November 4 2023, a small group of anti-colonial feminist organizers in Hamilton, Ontario dropped a banner over Highway 403 in solidarity with the people of Gaza and all Palestinians who are experiencing the current genocidal peak of Israel’s violent settler-colonial state project. Reading ‘FREE GAZA’, the banner was dropped in response to a call for a Day of Action across Turtle Island to Read More …

Toronto: Prisoners’ Justice Day Banner Drop

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info Editor’s Note: Our apologies for the late posting, there was an error with our submission form. This morning we hung a banner over the Gardiner Expressway facing eastbound rush hour traffic. While our action was small, it taught us that it is easy to act, and that we can get away with more than we thought. Find friends, build your skills and confidence, and Read More …

Hamilton: Blackout Black Friday Banner Drops

Throughout this past week, some of your friendly neighbourhood anarchists have been going on a sticker and poster campaign in Hamilton, Ancaster, Toronto, Kitchener, Guelph, and Waterloo. Maybe you’ve seen some of the “Blackout Black Friday” stickers and posters urging residents to not shop or work on Black Friday for ten days. Read More …

Toronto: Banner Drop in Solidarity with Gidimt’en

From Rising Tide Toronto (Facebook) On the last day of the Week of Action in support of the Gidimt’en, a banner was dropped in the busy west end of downtown Toronto to draw the attention of rush hour drivers toward the invasion of Wet’suwet’en land being perpetrated by our government. We want to remind people that the RCMP are foreign aggressors assaulting members of a sovereign nation in defense of Read More …

Toronto: Wet’suwet’en Solidarity Banner Drop

It was a picture snapped by a friend of a friend, spotted on a walk, passed around on signal and shared on an anarchist facebook page. A banner waving in the breeze off a rail bridge, proclaiming “Genocide is not an essential service – Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en”. A few kilometers down from the spot where the banner was hung, just a few months ago hundreds of us gathered on the rails. We were part of a wave of actions stopping rail traffic across the country, demanding the RCMP get off Wet’suwet’en territory, and declaring that the Canadian economy couldn’t continue as usual while Indigenous land was invaded in the name of greed and environmental destruction. This banner echoes that moment and to me, is a small spark of hope about moments to come. Read More …