On “Hate”, the Hamilton Police, and Mexican Food

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info After a tense week-long standoff between city bureaucrats, local journalists, and police, it seems anarchism has finally been cleared of being a hate crime in the city of Hamilton. On Thursday, Mayor Fred Eisenberger issued a statement indicating that he had been misinformed after making an equivalency anarchists and the circle-a symbol with white supremacists and the swastika – this coming two months after he Read More …

Hamilton: Noise Demo in solidarity with prisoners in Barton Jail

From Hamilton Anarchist Support On Thursday, May 10th a group of folks carrying balloons, banners, and signs conducted a festive march around the jail to remind those on the inside that they have not been forgotten. Banging was heard from inside the jail letting folks on the outside know that they could be seen. In love and rage, support was shown for prisoners at Barton Jail.

Cedar is Out of Jail!

From Hamilton Anarchist Support Cedar is no longer physically in the hands of the state! Unfortunately Cedar will have to abide by the bail conditions set at yesterdays bail appeal for the foreseeable future including staying out of Hamilton, not participating in any rallies or demonstrations, and being under house arrest. The fight is far from over. Even though Cedar is no longer in jail, they will be facing a Read More …

Hamilton: Rent Strikers Rally and Visit CLV

From the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network Today, rent strikers from the Stoney Creek Towers had a rally. After a couple of speeches from tenants and supporters, we went to the local office of the property management company CLV to hand in a stack of over 60 maintenance request forms, documenting a list of long-standing repair issues that tenants from the four buildings have been living with for weeks, months or Read More …

Hamilton: CLV Tries and Fails to Intimidate Striking Tenant

From the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90Rnd-E6L2k&feature=youtu.be On the afternoon of May 11th, a bunch of corporate executives from CLV Group made the trip from their head office in Ottawa to visit striking tenants at the Stoney Creek Towers, in East Hamilton. These suits went door to door, harassing tenants in their homes and demanding that they pay their rent. One of the tenants that CLV visited was Florence Morgan, Read More …

Solidarity with Cedar Hopperton from J20 Defendants and Supporters

From Defend J20 Resistance Cedar Hopperton is an anarchist living on occupied Anishinabek, Haudenosaunee, and Anishinaabe land in so-called Hamilton, Ontario. In March, there was a small disruptive anti-capitalist march in a gentrifying neighborhood the weekend of the Hamiliton anarchist bookfair. Afterwards, far right and white nationalist groups began attacking Hamilton’s anarchist community space, who took the opportunity to advance their own agenda. The police responded by targeting Cedar, raiding Read More …

Defending Hamilton: Reflections on the East Hamilton Rent Strike

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info “Alright, so show of hands, who is committed to a rent strike starting May 1st?” There was a slight sense of apprehension in the air. I could sense it from where I stood in the back corner. Even for those committed to a strike, the question loomed large as to who else was going to raise their hand. After all, for this type of Read More …

Piggy in the Middle: Thoughts on Behaviour, Trauma and Conflict from an Anarchist Lens

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info I’ve had my share of conflict in my life. We all get into conflict, which feels normal. Whether it’s with our family, our lovers, our friends, our neighbours, roommates, co-workers, collaborators, this list goes on. No two people are the same, and it’s difficult to accept the nuance in the idea that most people are doing what they consider to be good, with the Read More …

Support the East Hamilton Rent Strike

From the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network Donate to the GoFundMe Fundraiser Here Tenants in the East-end of Hamilton have declared a rent strike and we need your help to make sure it’s a success. The decision to strike comes as no surprise. We’ve spent the last 2 years fighting InterRent/ CLV by forming tenant committees, running repair campaigns, and demanding accessibility ramps in our buildings with little or no movement Read More …

Guelph: Free Cedar Mural

From Hamilton Anarchist Support On April 28th families and comrades in Guelph gathered to pose with a Free Cedar mural. Many of us have never met Cedar but all of us have felt the impact of their tireless work to promote anti-authoritarian values. Stay strong Cedar Rabbit, we carry you in our hearts. Spring is here, the buds on the trees are opening and so too will the jail doors.