Hamilton: Report back on Land Defender Solidarity Demo

Today, Hamilton cops arrested a Haudenosaunee woman while she was in her car with her kids for charges related to 1492 Landback Lane. We’ve seen time and again how Landback Lane has been hyper-surveilled and criminalized. In this case, the person was dealing with existing charges just for dropping off food and supplies at the site. And today, a false related charge apparently warranted ambushing and arresting her in front of her kids.
The community reacted quickly and met up this evening in front of thepolice station in solidarity. It was a strong a spirited display including music, speeches and chants. The crowd took the street and marched to the intersection of King and James, which was held for about an hour.  Read More …

We will lift each other up: Day 177 update from 1492 Land Back Lane

Back in court again today. Many of the 40 arrestees are up in a Cayuga court room facing a vast array of charges. The continuation of the criminalization of land defenders and settler allies.

It is absolutely infuriating that we are talking UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action while jailing our people for simply standing up for lands that the government has admitted they had taken unjustly. The perpetuation of this centuries old agenda of land theft. Read More …