Toronto: Anti-PEGIDA after-action report

From the Toronto IWW General Defence Committee Local 28 On Saturday May 4th, 2019, PEGIDA Canada (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West) – the anti-Muslim, anti-immigration, white nationalists, along with their collaborators – assembled for a rally and a march outside Staples’s University and Armoury location just steps away from City Hall with alarming numbers yet again. The fact they did this on Star Wars day out of Read More …

Toronto: Antifascist Mobilization Shuts Down Far-Right Anti-Muslim Groups

On March 23, 2019 PEGIDA, members of a far-right anti-Islam organization descended on downtown Toronto to hold one of their monthly anti-Muslim rallies. They were joined by far-right extremists from the Northern Guard, Wolves of Odin and Yellow Vests Canada, a grassroots wing of the Conservative Party of Canada.This rally took place in the aftermath of the horrifying al-Noor mosque and Linwood Islamic Center massacres in Christchurch, New Zealand. 50 worshipers died in those attacks. Hundreds of community members, anti-racists, anti-fascists and allies turned out, shut PEGIDA down and sent them packing, making it clear once and for all that there is no room for hatred in Toronto. Read More …

London: Anti-Fascist Mobilization Opposes Pegida, Soldiers of Odin, and Wolves of Odin

On Saturday, October 13, 2018, a rally of several Pegida members along with a dozen or so SOO and a few Wolves of Odin and other neo-fascist supporters was confronted by a much larger counter-mobilization of antifascists. With cops present the fascists held their ground outside the City Hall building. Read More …

London: Call To Action against PEGIDA on Oct 13

Over the long weekend on October 13th, London’s far-right freakshow known as PEGIDA will be returning once again to their protected space in front of city hall. Recent appearances in Toronto have had them supported by various right wing groups, but in London they often show up in low numbers. The last couple times however, we are beginning to notice that they are being flanked by groups like Soldiers of Odin, Proud Boys, and occasionally other groups. I am an individual who has seen my fair share of rallies and will not be able to attend for a variety of legitimate reasons and I am sending this in hopes that a call for help will be answered by comrades and allies in the region. Read More …