Comparing Far Right Transphobia in so called Canada to Don Hamerquist’s Analysis On Third Position Fascism

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info There is a growing fascist movement in so called Canada, it first appeared from the shadows as the Freedom Convoy which led directly to Hands Off Our Kids. While fascism has been a long time problem in Canada, and there were underground sects that morphed into this current movement, the point of this article isn’t a historical analysis on how it came to be, Read More …

Ottawa: Anti-Fascists Kettle Bigots

From Anti-fascism in Ottawa on Instagram Today Billboard Chris, the fascist youth organization “Save Canada”, Derek Sloan and a conglomerate of reactionary media personalities arrived to attempt to march up and down Broadview Avenue. They were confronted by a diverse coalition of antifascists. The antifascists today not only managed to break police lines but also kettled the fascists for 2+ hours, effectively denying them the space and ability to demonstrate. Read More …

On Crow, Fascist Drifts, and People Who Are Not Comrades

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info This article contains research taken from public sources, mostly from articles posted publicly by Crow himself. Our intention is not to dox Crow, but rather to provided a compilation, summary, and analysis of already easily available information. We are also not encouraging anyone to harass Crow, threaten him with violence, etc. We simply want to give other anarchists the information they need to keep Read More …

Ottawa: The “Battle” of Billings Bridge

A year ago now, on February 13, 2022, Ottawa residents blocked convoy vehicles on Billings Bridge and held it for hours. Since then, much has been written about this mass mobilization from left and liberal commentators. This generally celebrates it as an immense, glorious victory over the convoy, and the beginning of the tide turning in the convoy’s occupation of Ottawa—and don’t get me wrong, it was. But in speaking to friends outside of Ottawa, it feels more and more necessary to complicate this narrative by adding some of my and my comrades’ experiences on that day. Read More …

Oshawa – Fascism will not take hold here again

Lately, Oshawa has had a lot of Nazi symbols like swastikas and racist slogans being tagged. We decided to send a message that hate has no home in this city. Historically, neo-Nazis and white supremacists had a strangle hold on this city and we will not allow them to build a platform here again. The community needs to fight back and take a stand while the Nazis are still weak and underground.

Spray paint is cheap and can go anywhere, let these cowards know that fascism will not take hold here again! Read More …

Cult Recruiter, Neo-Nazi, Personal Trainer: Meet Ottawa’s Ben Mockler

A Canadian fascist organizer and live streamer has been recruiting men into fascism for the past two years — all under the cover of anonymity.

A new investigation by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network has revealed that the man who hid under the name “Aquila the Eagle” is Ben Mockler, a personal trainer and owner of the Nova Signum gym on Ottawa’s Rideau Street. Read More …

MAK Statement on the so-called “Freedom Convoy” from Peterborough to Kingston

From Mutual Aid Katarowki (Facebook) This Sunday November 14th a convoy will drive from Peterborough through Trenton to Kingston to hold a rally outside city hall. Its organizers present themselves as “freedom fighters”. Some dismiss them as unintelligent or misinformed. Our take is that they are grifters trying to profit off of anti-vaccine/anti-government sentiments and in doing so, actively harboring and enabling far-right and fascist sentiments, which are sure to Read More …

Baden: Interview on the Campaign to Remove Sir John A Statue

This is a short interview with Cheyanne Thorpe, an Indigenous woman and resident of Waterloo Region, who has been organising protests and public pressure against the placement of the Sir John A MacDonald statue in a public park in Baden Ontario.  The statue, part of the “prime ministers walk” project was located in Baden with little support, after residents in Kitchener and Waterloo rejected the idea that the project be built in their cities. Read More …

Maxime Bernier’s PPC and the Far Right

Voting is not really our thing, but we do recognize that this is a time when more people are speaking about politics and policies, including many that will have a real impact on many people’s lives. This time around (not for the first time) the Conservatives are contending with a national party to their right, as Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party of Canada fields candidates across the country on a populist platform with climate denial and anti-immigrant sentiment as its key planks. Read More …