Toronto: Fuck Ford: Solidarity with the vandalism at Queen’s Park

On the night of April 30th, the night before May Day, International Workers Day, some brave person heavily tagged Queen’s Park with spraypaint. “Fuck Ford” was written at multiple points and “Murderer” was painted across the statue of John A MacDonald. These acts didn’t get a lot of coverage, so I thought I’d post them here to express full solidarity with them and also with the person who was arrested and charged with carrying them out.Actions like these remind us that opposition to Ford’s cuts can’t be merely rhetorical – to everyone who took part in one of the “general strike” actions on May Day, let’s keep finding ways to push things further and go beyond the limitations democracy and its police place on our opposition. Because regardless of whose in power, this system will always protect the walls of power over the needs of human beings, and values obedience more than health, education, and dignity. Read More …

Rest Easy and Burn Bright, Dave Vasey

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info. To our lost friend and comrade, Dave Vasey, and those he left behind: Words come slow in times like these. Sometimes the struggle to find the right words feels more like a further burden, weighing us down, making us feel as though we have failed a second time at doing our dear friend justice. And maybe that’s because words alone are never quite enough Read More …