How to Support Gidimt’en Camp

At this very moment a standoff is unfolding, the outcome of which will determine the future of Northern BC for generations to come. Will the entire region be overtaken by the fracking industry, or will Indigenous people asserting their sovereignty be successful in repelling the assault on their homelands?

The future is unwritten. What comes next will be greatly influenced by actions taken in the coming days and weeks. This is a long-term struggle, but it is at a critical moment. That is why we say: The Time is Now. If you are a person of conscience and you understand the magnitude of what is at stake, ask yourself how you might best support the grassroots Wet’suwet’en. For different people, this may mean different things. For some people, it means traveling to the front-lines. For others, awareness-raising efforts or cash/material contributions. Read More …

Announcing the London Anarchist Bookfair

On June 22nd and 23rd, London Ontario will be having an Anarchist Bookfair at the Empowerment Infoshop (located at 613 Dundas street.)

Right now we are looking for those who are interested in tabling at our bookfair, conducting a workshop, or maybe performing a musical act. If anyone is interested please email

Love & Solidarity to you all!

– Empowerment Infoshop Collective of London Ontario ❤️ Read More …

Callout for Autonomous Actions against the Laval Migrant Prison, Quebec

Between November 23rd and Dec 7th, we are calling for autonomous actions to block the construction of the new migrant prison in Laval.

Under the pretext of improving detention conditions for migrants, the CBSA has been given a huge government budget to develop “alternatives” to detention and to build two new migrant prisons. While the state uses words like “humanized” and “alternatives” to describe their project, we know this is merely an expansion of the prison and border systems. The so-called “alternatives” and the new prisons serve the same purpose: to expand the CBSA’s capacity for border enforcement and immigration policing, to imprison and deport migrants and to rip people away from their families and communities. One of these prisons will be built in Laval on land owned by the Correctional Services of Canada, ostensibly replacing the existing migrant detention center. Two architectural firms have been contracted to build this project: Lemay (based in St. Henri, Montreal) and Groupe A (Quebec City). Work has already begun on the site of the future prison. Read More …

Hamilton: CLV Issues Mass Eviction Notices to Threaten Organized Tenants

As the Stoney Creek Towers rent strike enters its sixth month, CLV is starting to lose it!

Over the past several weeks, CLV has escalated tensions with the residents of the Stoney Creek Towers, in a vain effort to isolate and intimidate tenant organizers. They have installed over 100 new surveillance cameras, and have hired private security to patrol each of the four buildings 24/7. These rent-a-cops have harassed tenants, in some cases demanding they show ID to prove that they live in their building. They have also instituted a blatantly illegal ‘NO LOITERING’ policy covering the buildings’ common areas in a transparent attempt to criminalize tenants for holding their weekly lobby meetings, which have been taking place for months without incident. Read More …

Getting Caught: Call for stories about the times you didn’t get away

It happens. When you’re pushing limits, trying to find new ways to fight back, sooner or later you might get caught. And it’s not the end of the world.

The first time my house got searched, it was 3am. I was all in black with a dufflebag over my shoulder full of crowbars, bolt cutters and gloves, and I was on my out the door. But through the front window, I saw flashing lights and then the shadows of cops walking dogs back and forth on our lawn. They had the street closed off Read More …

North Shore at Six Months: Trends so far and call for submissions

North Shore Counter-Info launched six months ago with the goal of serving as an online hub for anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist ideas and actions in Southern Ontario. In that time, we’ve published 80 articles and dozens of events and comments, which feels like a pretty good start. The project launched the weekend of the Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair on March 3rd 2018 and proved its usefulness almost immediately, as the mini-riot that Read More …

Shane: an undercover cop in Hamilton, ON

He was here – on and off – for about 2 years, first appearing in the Summer of 2016.

His name is “Shane”.

That’s his undercover name, and his real name. “Shane Bond”, is what he told us – with “us” being the different communities and circles in Hamilton he tried to infiltrate. Read More …