LEDCOR Toronto Busted Up!

Last night, a statement was made at the Toronto Branch of LEDCOR, and some small, but necessary, action was taken. 

For those who won’t see the photograph, the front of the building was tastefully redecorated! You can now read LEDCOR’s new slogan “NO PIPELINES ON STOLEN LAND” written on the corner facing International Blvd and Carlingview Dr. We also took the liberty of opening up some of the windows, to let some fresh air into their polluted offices.

LEDCOR must know – all of so-called Canada must know – the destruction of the natural world and the violation of Indigenous sovereignty will continue to be resisted. These lands will be defended. And the colonial-capitalist death machine will not take its profits easily. Read More …

Seeds of Resistance: a new resource for land defense

Anonymous submission to North Shore As the world falls apart around us we turn to the land more than ever. This site is meant as a resource for resisting pipelines and other exploitative industrial projects. It is full of information for ideas and action when the process has failed, when permits have been granted, and there is nothing left but our own selves to protect the land. Visit https://seedsofresistance.noblogs.org/ (with Read More …

Hamilton: (Un)staking Their Claim: disrupting enbridge’s newest pipeline

As the deep yellow moon rose we moved deeper into the swamp, past the sweet smells of lilacs and greens and rich earth. Lulled by the moonlight and our headlamps reflecting on the pale survey stakes against the surrounding darkness that marked out Enbridge’s proposed new gas pipeline in Flamborough. One by one we pulled nearly 10 kilometres of stakes, tossing them to the side to be reclaimed by the bush. Read More …

Dream Big: a call to action for the Wet’suwet’en

Where have you gone?

Last January there were so many of you. Of us!

In the streets. Shutting down bridges, ports, highways, railways, centres of capital, fuel terminals, and even storming TC Energy facilities. We were rushing office buildings, hanging banners, harassing politicians, police, courts and more. Informing, engaging, inciting. Undoubtedly meeting late into the nights, kept awake by our dreams. Strategizing. We were angry, passionate, strong, and determined. It was beautiful! Inspiring – hopeful!

What happened?

We’re not done – this is still happening! Force is not consent. The RCMP – the same commanders who argued for lethal oversight – are still in Wet’suwet’en territories harassing people. They’ve had the audacity to set up a temporary detachment in a place they don’t belong, aren’t welcome, and have no jurisdiction over. Read More …

Nothing (much) Changes: an analysis of changes in ownership of the Coastal Gas Link pipeline

TC Energy recently sold 65% of their 100% stake in their Coastal Gas Link Project.

But does it mean anything?

Is the project struggling? Is TC Energy? Is there a chance this project will just fall by the wayside? After reading too many industry news sites and pompous press releases, interviews and share reports I have bad news.

It’s unlikely this indicates anything significant – and it doesn’t seem to be a sign of a flailing project or company.

In short; corporations buy and sell investments in projects all the time – and TC Energy has been doing a lot of this. TCE also announced back in 2018 that they intended to reduce its shares in the project, and hired RBC to help do it in January 2019, so it’s not a new or recent development. Project messaging has stayed consistent, and since the project is still in early stages new buyers must have a lot of faith it will proceed as planned. Read More …

Mobilize Against the Pro-Pipeline Truck Convoy

Currently, pro-pipeline reactionaries are planning a truck convoy from Alberta to Ottawa. This intended show of force is meant to pressure the federal government into taking more forceful actions to get major new oil and gas pipelines built. At a time when Indigenous peoples are heroically resisting massive industrialization in the Pacific Northwest, we must fight back against this foray of far-right forces into pro-pipeline activism before it becomes a real threat. Read More …

How to Support Gidimt’en Camp

At this very moment a standoff is unfolding, the outcome of which will determine the future of Northern BC for generations to come. Will the entire region be overtaken by the fracking industry, or will Indigenous people asserting their sovereignty be successful in repelling the assault on their homelands?

The future is unwritten. What comes next will be greatly influenced by actions taken in the coming days and weeks. This is a long-term struggle, but it is at a critical moment. That is why we say: The Time is Now. If you are a person of conscience and you understand the magnitude of what is at stake, ask yourself how you might best support the grassroots Wet’suwet’en. For different people, this may mean different things. For some people, it means traveling to the front-lines. For others, awareness-raising efforts or cash/material contributions. Read More …

Call for International Week of Action against Fossil Fuel Infrastructure: May 12th-19th

From It’s Going Down Call for a week of action and solidarity against industrial fossil fuel extraction, May 12th to 19th. In our daily lives, in the ecosystems we live in, in the ever stranger and more violent weather patterns we are subject to, and in even the most mainstream of capitalist media, we are bombarded by increasingly dire proof of what we’ve known all along: catastrophic climate change is Read More …