1492 Land Back Lane Forces Cancellation of McKenzie Meadows Development

After nearly a year of re-occupying a tract of land slated for a settler housing development of around 200 homes, Six Nations members have successfully forced the cancellation of the project. Haudenosaunee land defenders and their supporters have been occupying the 25-acre site since July 19th, 2020. They have survived a raid, dozens of arrests, constant surveillance by the OPP as well as CSIS, and court orders from racist judges. Read More …

Canadian Tire Fire #2: Statues Fall, Racism Kills, Land Defense Efforts Rage On

This past week brought more sobering reminders of Canada’s deeply-entrenched racism, as well as some inspiring moments of fiery resistance. As communities across the country continued to process the uncovering of a mass grave outside a Kamloops residential school, responses included the defacing, removal, and even toppling of colonial monuments. As activists in Kingston settle in at a ceremonial action at another John A Macdonald statue, demanding its removal, one can only hope this foreshadows the loss of many more statues of racists across so-called Canada. Read More …

Canadian Tire Fire: A New Weekly Roundup of Anarchist News from Canada on IGD

Welcome to Canadian Tire Fire, a new weekly roundup of anarchist and anti-authoritarian news from so-called Canada. We’re excited to provide a central place for “Canadian” news on IGD.

In Canadian Tire Fire, you can expect to find news on anarchist actions, Indigenous struggle, land and environmental defense, anti-fascism, borders, labour, police, prisons, and more. We aim to provide regular updates on news from across the country, from an anarchist perspective. We may also occasionally publish more in-depth analysis on ongoing struggles. Read More …

LEDCOR Toronto Busted Up!

Last night, a statement was made at the Toronto Branch of LEDCOR, and some small, but necessary, action was taken. 

For those who won’t see the photograph, the front of the building was tastefully redecorated! You can now read LEDCOR’s new slogan “NO PIPELINES ON STOLEN LAND” written on the corner facing International Blvd and Carlingview Dr. We also took the liberty of opening up some of the windows, to let some fresh air into their polluted offices.

LEDCOR must know – all of so-called Canada must know – the destruction of the natural world and the violation of Indigenous sovereignty will continue to be resisted. These lands will be defended. And the colonial-capitalist death machine will not take its profits easily. Read More …

Oshawa: Stop Gentrification In Our City

April 22 the city of Oshawa bulldozed the community-led Memorial Garden, which stood in downtown Oshawa for nearly two years. Made by unsheltered community members, the memorial originally started to commemorate those lost to the opioid crisis and drug overdoses. It grew to be a community memorial for anyone lost to drug overdoses, suicide, untreated illness or other ails from poverty and capitalism.

There was a rock garden and a board with names of those lost as well as religious/spiritual icons, photographs, cremation ashes and street art. For some, all they had left was their name in the memorial garden. And the city ruthlessly and without warning bulldozed it. Gone are the memories for so many that had nothing else. This is just the latest attack of gentrification against those most marginalized by capitalism. Read More …

Niagara Prisoner Hunger Strike at Day 3! Phone Zap Monday May 3rd!

We can confirm that the hunger strike in the Niagara Detention Centre is just completing its third day! However, we spoke to someone there this morning who also shared that strikers are being targeted for repression by the institution. Today, COs entered their cells and stole their cantine items, saying they didn’t need it since they weren’t eating anyway. 

This escalation of repression is very concerning, and we need to find ways to show prisoners in Niagara that they are not alone. Tomorrow, Monday May 3, please call the jail and demand that the administration negotiate with prisoners to meet their demands. Calling the jail and circulating news of the strike is a simple way of keeping the strikers safe from reprisals and putting pressure on the admin. Read More …

Argument for Supporting The Sick Day Solidarity Fund

There has been a call from bureaucrats and reformists not to support the Sick Day Solidarity Fund. They say it distracts from their “real” organizing and promotes charity. First of all, what organizing? Signing petitions and telling people to vote NDP next year? If you want to spear head a campaign that focuses on that, fine. But this sectarian mentality of “my way is the only correct way” promotes an idealist purity that does nothing to help the working class; neither immediately nor in the future. There are a multitude of ways to organize and take action, shitting on each other and knee capping each others’ organizing efforts is not the way to do it. Read More …

COVID Update: Know Your Rights & Police Powers

On April 17, 2021, facing the highest COVID-19 case counts and a slow roll out of vaccines especially in the hardest hit neighbourhoods, the Premier of Ontario and Ontario conservatives expanded police powers, choosing to address a public health crisis through individualized enforcement. These expanded police powers accompany an April Stay at Home order.  Read More …

Ottawa: R.I.P. Matt Cicero – Anarchist Militant, Journalist, and Community Organizer

On March 16, 2020, our comrade Matt departed for the spirit world. We have lost one of the most committed anarchists in our part of the world, and the loss is felt intensely due to the tragic circumstances of his death.

Many people who did not know Matt well will probably remember him as the guy that bombed the bank back in 2010. At this time, there was a major mobilization of anarchists preparing for the G20 summit in Toronto. Several months prior to the summit, a group calling itself FFF (Fighting For Freedom) released footage of the firebombing of an RBC branch in Ottawa. The footage was dramatic – a black-clad figure runs out of the bank minutes before it explodes in flame. Read More …