Blessed is the Flame of Retribution

As Churches go up in flames in and across the nation and colonialist statues, venerated by the State, are splashed blood red, ripped from their foundations, and smashed to pieces, it is crystal clear that liberal-centrist institutions are the major culprit of cultural, economic, and real genocide. The Church and State are power-tools, machines of ideology. They are designed to perpetrate mass surveillance, discipline, and punishment of any type upon the general-population and/or any specific social group; all the while, they mask their inhuman activities in an instantaneous legality manufactured by their very own institutional apparatuses. And, of course, this so-called legality is always a legalized oppression orchestrated by the Church and State themselves, namely, the very same institutions engaged in various forms of repression, both ideological and real. Read More …

Old Myths, New Peoples: The “Eastern Métis” and Indigenous Erasure

The era of Justin Trudeau’s state-led reconciliation is desperately trying to keep itself alive. As it crumbles, something raw and real is laid bare (again): how desperate many white settlers are to get on the right side of history by telling and collecting stories about how different things are “now” from “back then”. One of these stories has always been about a romanticized, state-led version of reconciliation. Read More …

Mobilize Against the Pro-Pipeline Truck Convoy

Currently, pro-pipeline reactionaries are planning a truck convoy from Alberta to Ottawa. This intended show of force is meant to pressure the federal government into taking more forceful actions to get major new oil and gas pipelines built. At a time when Indigenous peoples are heroically resisting massive industrialization in the Pacific Northwest, we must fight back against this foray of far-right forces into pro-pipeline activism before it becomes a real threat. Read More …

From Embers: New Content in November 2018

Submitted by From Embers From Embers is a regular anarchist podcast produced in Kingston, Ontario. We produce a few episodes a month about actions and projects going on in so-called Canada that inspire us, or about topics that we think will be relevant to anarchists living north of the border. We are a proud member of the Channel Zero Anarchist Podcast Network. Thanks to everyone who donated to our host Read More …