Ottawa: Anti-Fascists Kettle Bigots

From Anti-fascism in Ottawa on Instagram Today Billboard Chris, the fascist youth organization “Save Canada”, Derek Sloan and a conglomerate of reactionary media personalities arrived to attempt to march up and down Broadview Avenue. They were confronted by a diverse coalition of antifascists. The antifascists today not only managed to break police lines but also kettled the fascists for 2+ hours, effectively denying them the space and ability to demonstrate. Read More …

Oshawa – Fascism will not take hold here again

Lately, Oshawa has had a lot of Nazi symbols like swastikas and racist slogans being tagged. We decided to send a message that hate has no home in this city. Historically, neo-Nazis and white supremacists had a strangle hold on this city and we will not allow them to build a platform here again. The community needs to fight back and take a stand while the Nazis are still weak and underground.

Spray paint is cheap and can go anywhere, let these cowards know that fascism will not take hold here again! Read More …