Recent Actions in Guelph: Banks and Animal Testing Lab Vandalised

Recently in Guelph, an animal testing lab was broken into and a video of animal conditions was posted online. Tags were left claiming it for the Animal Liberation Front. A few days later, several banks were defaced with anti-capitalist graffiti. Although no communiques for these actions were submitted to North Shore, we find them interesting and choose to republish information about them. Text and images below are lifted from mainstream sources. Read More …

No Pandemic Profiteering: Bank Sabotage Action in Downtown Toronto

In response to the call for decentralized May Day actions, some Toronto anarchists went for a delightful ride on a clear night in late April to let banks know that we are watching and that we are ready and willing to act. Despite most branches being closed due to Covid-19, we managed to find a few branches that were continuing to open for customers. We visited several banks, gluing the locks, and spray painting messages on the concrete or exterior facade as appropriate. Our messages centred around their abysmal failure to show even a modicum of compassion amid widespread income loss among its clients.  Read More …