Hamilton: Rent Strikers Rally Outside of Tenant Board

From It’s Going Down Report from the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network about their ongoing rent strike. Dozens of Stoney Creek Towers rent strikers and their supporters from across Hamilton (as well as fellow tenants from Parkdale Organize in Toronto) rallied outside the Landlord & Tenant Board this morning. 33 tenants have a hearing scheduled this morning, the first of several scheduled for this month. Landlord InterRent REIT and property manager CLV Group Read More …

Hamilton: Keeping our Guard Up and Moving Ahead

Submitted anonymously to North Shore With The Tower about to reopen at its new location, it seems like a good moment to take stock of our situation. The weight of repression in Hamilton has not gotten any lighter, but we have gotten more used to and maybe even more skilled at carrying it. That said, it’s too soon to say the storm has passed and we face challenging times ahead. Read More …

Hamilton: Honouring the Legacy of Pride and Riots

Submitted anonymously to North Shore This past Sunday marked the passing of yet another Hamilton Pride, complete with all the rainbows you can pack into a swag bag and a good measure of generally joyful times had by all. The stage was set for this gathering of Queers in Gage Park – a cornerstone of Hamilton’s public spaces – and it was billed as a day of family fun, free Read More …

Beyond Support: Update on Locke St Defendants and a Proposal for Beginning to Organize Solidarity

Submitted anonymously to North Shore Counter-Info Before giving updates on the Locke St defendants, it’s worth taking a moment to put things in their context and to remember that these seven people are accused of participating in a struggle against gentrification in the city. This struggle has taken countless different forms over the years, from mass meetings, to stickers and posters, to broad-based organizing, to counter-demonstrations and pressure campaigns. The Read More …

Statement from Defend J20 on the unfolding repression faced by comrades in Hamilton

From Defend J20 Resistance There is a rapidly developing situation in Hamilton, Ontario that we would like to help draw attention to. While not all of the defendants or supporters of the current DefendJ20 effort may call ourselves anarchists, we all see a certain commonality in our ideals with the anarchists in Hamilton currently resisting repression. On the morning of June 1st, authorities announced new arrests and warrants in regards Read More …

New arrests in Hamilton and Montreal: Updates, and call for support

From Hamilton Anarchist Support We write this just to give a quick update on the rapidly changing situation in Hamilton. since yesterday, May 31 2018, three more people have been arrested in connection to the so-called Locke St riot: one was picked up by the SPVM in Montreal and was flown to Hamilton, where they are in custody awaiting a bail hearing, and the other two were arrested in Hamilton. Read More …

Letter from Cedar on Conspiracy Charges, the Barton Jail, and Solidarity

From Hamilton Anarchist Support Version française : Lettre de Cedar sur les accusations de complot, la prison Barton et la solidarité I’ve been out of jail about two weeks now, enough time to get set back up with a computer to replace the one stolen by the police and to begin sorting out what reflections I’d like to share more widely. I wrote a public letter while in the Barton Read More …

Hamilton: The Tower is Moving! A Statement

From The Tower Over the course of the last few months The Tower has faced a fair number of challenges, to say the least! Today however, we are excited to announce that we are moving. We will be moving to a new larger location in order to continue to grow and expand our project of supporting organizing efforts in Hamilton and spreading anarchy. Why are we leaving the space on Read More …

Better Without Them: Open Letter to Hamilton Pride and to Try Hamilton Performers

Submitted anonymously to North Shore         Advertising and sponsorship are everywhere and as we enter festival season, no one will be surprised that each one comes with its own sponsor’s logo all over it. It can almost just become invisible, our eyes slipping past it to see when the bands are playing or when food is served. Sometimes however, that sponsorship is more than just simple advertising. Sometimes the presence Read More …