May Day Events Across Southern Ontario

Spring has arrived, and that means that across the world anti-capitalists are preparing to mark International Workers Day, also known as May Day. Every year on May 1st, anti-capitalists of all stripes come together to remember both the red and green origins of May Day with events ranging from community socials and free meals to marches, strikes and direct action. See below for a brief list of May Day events Read More …

East Hamilton Tenants Declare May 1st Rent Strike

From the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network Last night at a mass meeting at the local community centre, dozens of tenants from four high-rise apartment buildings in East Hamilton committed to going on rent strike on May 1st. Tenants from the Stoney Creek Towers (50 Violet Drive, 77 Delawana Drive, 11 Grandville Avenue, and 40 Grandville Avenue) have decided to take this action in response to their landlord, CLV Group’s recent Read More …

As It Stands Today: Cedar’s Arrest

From Hamilton Anarchist Support Donate to the Hamilton Community Defence Fund here This has been a big month for Hamilton. To contextualize Cedar’s arrest, we can start with the Anarchist Bookfair in early March, our first bookfair here in 7 years. The event was a smashing success, and brought together people from all over the continent to explore possibilities for radical change, to envision a world without enforced hierarchies and Read More …

Kingston: Graffiti for Cedar

Anonymous submission to Northshore Counter-Info Last night we left graffiti reading FREE CED(A)R on Montreal Street in Kingston. It felt appropriate to make use of the steel shutters of the Elm Cafe to share our message. The shutters were installed last year following repeated unclaimed vandalism against the gentrifying business, provoking outrage among local yuppies as well as certain ‘progressives’ who rush to defend the sanctity of small business. We Read More …

Another Day, Another Broken Door

Statement from The Tower, Hamilton’s anarchist social centre Early Friday morning, Hamilton police raided a home associated with some of those involved with organizing The Hamilton Anarchist Bookfair. The door was kicked in, a flash grenade was thrown into the house, and a full swat team entered. With their assault rifles drawn, the swat team proceeded to pull everyone out of bed some of whom were naked, and with one Read More …

Tower Defence: Holding space against the far-right

Submitted Anonymously to Northshore On Sunday, March 25th, various far-right groups from South-Western Ontario organized what they called a “Patriot Walk” up Locke St. in Hamilton. This was ostensibly a show of support for small businesses on the street who had their facades shattered during a mini-riot a couple of weeks earlier. The far-right hoped to capitalize on bourgeois outrage in Hamilton to put forward their ultra-nationalist form of anti-leftism, Read More …

Hamilton: Rally Against McMaster’s Protest Policies

From the People’s Protest Coaliton Yesterday (March 29) the People’s Protest Coalition successfully held our Rally Against McMaster’s Protest Policies! After gathering outside the Student Centre, we marched over to Patrick Deane’s office and made our message loud and clear to the president himself: The so-called Anti-Disruption Guidelines have got to go! We finished off our rally with a disruptive march through the Student Centre to further illustrate our point Read More …

Hamilton: What Are We Fighting For?

Submitted anonymously to Northshore I rarely read fiction. I regret that truth and so every few months, when I get given a book of dystopian sci-fi or imaginative history, I stumble through it halfheartedly. I know that fiction has a lot to offer in terms of expanding our realm of possibility, of inspiring creation of new worlds. Someone near and dear to me once advocated for changing my reading habits Read More …

Hamilton: Notes on the Catering Class

Submitted anonymously to Northshore So now sleepy little Hamilton has joined the likes of London, Greece, Paris and Hamburg, having recently been treated to a shortlived spree of public disruption and vandalism. To what do we owe this promotion? Are we really beset by the same woes as the great cities where such acts have become commonplace? Thanks to the ubiquity of market forces, we have all been excessively financialized Read More …

From #HoMa to #HamOnt: The secret is to round up your loser friends

Submitted anonymously to MTL Counter-info These thugs are no better than the anarchists. Don’t they know the financial burden that their vandalism will have on the Tower’s landlord? Don’t they understand that boarded up windows will bring down property values in the neighbourhood around the Tower?? Engaging in this kind of violence just creates lawlessness, and legitimizes the destruction of private property. When we heard that the Tower got attacked, Read More …