Land Back Lane: Ontario Judge Grants Permanent Injunction to Foxgate

From 1492 Land Back Lane (Facebook) Haudenosaunee Land Defenders Will Remain at 1492 Land Back Lane Forever On December 13, 2022, Ontario Justice Sweeny decided to grant a permanent injunction to Foxgate Developments Inc. This decision now gives Foxgate Developments the ability to seek police enforcement of this injunction. Previous enforcement attempts led by police resulted in serious harm to our community; police shot at land defenders in the back Read More …

Onkwehon:we and Brantford residents unite and #landback Arrowdale

On October 9, residents of Brantford Ontario belonging to the Save Arrowdale movement held a protest at Arrowdale Municipal Golf Course. They wore bright yellow shirts with their logo on the front and a summary of their key points on the back. Having gathered a petition with 7,871 signatures in favour of preserving the greenspace and won a unanimous city council vote to save Arrowdale in 2016, they questioned why in 2019 Brantford City Council voted to sell the land to developers. The city’s new deal would preserve only three (later 17) out of the 49 acres as greenspace.  Read More …

You Blew it, Hewitt: Details of Haldimand Mayor’s Financial Ties to Developers

Under capitalism, it is money that often makes the election.

If someone receive lots of donations for their mayoral candidacy, they get to dominate the airwaves and the lawn signs and have schmoozy events.

We also know incumbents have the advantages of visibility and stability.

Stability in the sense that people don’t need to take a risk; they can choose the known evil and see it as lesser because, mostly, change is scary.

And of course, money and position equals power, and power corrupts.

With the racist shit the Haldimand mayor has been spouting off lately about Indigenous people at the Six Nations landback reclamation site, it really shouldn’t be a surprise that Ken Hewitt is somehow personally invested in this project. Read More …

Toronto Rallies for Six Nations Land Defenders

On Saturday, September 12th, hundreds of people gathered at the Ministry of Indigenous Affairs Ontario to oppose the police violence against, and criminalization of, Six Nations Land Defenders at 1492 Land Back Lane. The group has been re-occupying their traditional land in Caledonia for 57 days to protect it from a proposed housing development. Read More …

Six Nations: Call for an End to Criminalization of Land Defenders: Day of Solidarity October 9th

In the past week, ten people have been arrested in connection to 1492 Land Back Lane. These include Allies who are non-Indigenous and people from other Haudenosaunee communities, as well as Mohawk researcher Courtney Skye and Oneida journalist Karl Dockstader.

Arresting our kin and allies is an escalation of violence on behalf of the OPP. Canada is choosing how to address our concerns and issues, and they have chosen to use police violence and criminalization instead of engaging with our community. Read More …