Hamilton: Free Gaza Banner Drop

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info On November 4 2023, a small group of anti-colonial feminist organizers in Hamilton, Ontario dropped a banner over Highway 403 in solidarity with the people of Gaza and all Palestinians who are experiencing the current genocidal peak of Israel’s violent settler-colonial state project. Reading ‘FREE GAZA’, the banner was dropped in response to a call for a Day of Action across Turtle Island to Read More …

Hamilton L3Harris Shut Down

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info L3Harris in Hamilton, ON Shut Down! Location: 50 Leavitt Blvd, Waterdown Over ten thousand Palestinians have been murdered; at least 4237 of them children. Thousands more have lost their friends and family. Entire lineages of kin have been erased from their homes and homelands with prejudice. For those watching and cognizant, it’s not hard to draw at least some parallels between the State of Read More …

Zine: No More Colonial States

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info This zine, designed to fit on 2 printed sheets of paper, consists of 3 parts: An affirmation that the fight against colonial Israel is inseparable from the fight against other colonialisms. A version of an online article about Israel, colonialism, & fascism optimized to read on paper. A list of #BDS targets to decolonize (attack). The zine is entirely grayscale, & can be downloaded Read More …

Toronto: Blocking Israel’s War Machine

From SubMedia Early on the morning of October 30th, a crowd descended on INKAS Armored, a Toronto-based defence contractor with ties to the Israeli Defence Forces. Responding to a call from Palestinian trade unions for workers around the world to shut down exports to the Israeli military, the protesters set up picket lines to block access to the facility. The Israeli state is carrying out a massacre in Gaza with Read More …

When we leave we do not march: Anarchist thoughts on Palestine solidarity

Today, November 1st 2023, when the veil is at its thinnest, the dead in Gaza speak to us.

We, the writers, are not Palestinian. We write this for fellow north american anarchists of a certain type. You’ll see yourself as you read. We also write this for the anarchy-adjacent, and for anyone who is interested.

The horror of Israel’s genocide of Palestinians is deep, inescapable, and intricate. We, anarchists and those close to anarchy, understand the history, the context of apartheid, the numbers, the hypocrisy, the exceptionalism, the cruelty, the torture. We sob. We lose sleep, and friends, and family.

We feel helpless, so we undertake the relatively and subjectively fearsome tasks available  in the current repertoire of “resistance”. These tasks are fine, and understandable: marches, popular education, “movement-building”, “speaking out” at school or at work, petitions and declarations, non-violent direct action.

Are you truly satisfied with the fine and understandable? Is the moral righteousness of “taking a stand” all that you need to live in freedom with others? Read More …