Reportback on Pipeline Sabotage Behind Enemy Lines – Alberta

before the sun rose in the early early morning of 02/20/2020 we took direct action against pipeline infrastructure in Acheson AB
outraged by the Reactionary Colonial Mounted Pigs invasion of sovereign Wet’suwet’en territory and in solidarity with the Secwepemc we decommissioned a section of pipe that the klanadian state (financers of this project) had left sitting in the open air with little defense
solidarity means attack Read More …

Hamilton: Sabotage to CN Line

As the Wet’suwet’en, the Mohawks of Tyendinaga, and Coast Salish people all burned injunctions handed down by colonial courts today, we thought to act in solidarity with  them.

Overnight, we burned a small road crossing signal box on the CN line. It’s default is to activate the road crossings if tripped, so no people were in danger.

We chose rail because it has a long history aiding in the colonization and confederation of Turtle Island and the displacement and death of Indigenous people with deep economic impacts. It is impossible to defend, even in the busy city – so tonight proves.

Fuck the state. Fuck the colonial courts. It’s time to stand up and shut shit down. Read More …

Solidarity Rail Sabotage in Guelph

onight we sabotaged CN Rail at 3 different locations in Guelph, Ontario.

As settlers, we took this action in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en people who are currently facing violent attacks by the RCMP and are holding down the front line to protect the health of their territory. CN rail is a culprit in supporting this colonial and destructive project as partners in transporting the infrastructure that will build this pipeline and the man camps, which create an increase in violence against indigenous women on the territory. Read More …

Keep your fire bright! Solidarity Railway sabotage in Burlington

Last night, we did a sabotage at railway bottleneck in Burlington. This place chosen because of the juncture there, with lines from Detroit and Buffalo joining to go forward to Toronto and Montreal. We have heard it’s the busiest intersection of this kind in Canada. This action is in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en people in the front line struggle against the Canadian state and the corporations it supports, in response to a call for actions attacking the railways.

We did this by identifying a signal station and setting a fire under its power supply to destroy the cables that would feed it. Hoping this will take them some time to repair and keeping the line closed for longer. Read More …

Toronto: Explorations in rail disruption in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en

This weekend in Toronto, inspired by the actions of Wet’suwet’en land defenders and a recent callout for rail disruptions, some anarchists took to the rails to add our contribution to the building momentum of demonstrations, blockades, and acts of sabotage taking place across Turtle Island.

We debated writing this because, due to a lack of experience and the location we picked, we really couldn’t be sure that our attempt at sabotage succeeded. Ultimately, we wanted to share our message of solidarity and commitment to this struggle, and our own reflections and knowledge gained in this first attempt. Read More …

Hamilton: Simultaneous Rail Sabotage at Bottlenecks in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders

A decade ago in a move that has inspired many, Wet’suwet’en people reoccupied their unceded territories as a way to begun healing and ensuring the land is protected in the ways she needs to sustain Wet’suwet’en people’s lives, practices, and continued existence in their traditional territories.

A year ago the RCMP violently invaded those territories to provide access for industry. 

One week ago, the canadian state criminalized Anuk’ nu’at’en – Wet’suwet’en hereditary law – by granting an injunction which criminalizes Indigenous people and their allies should they protect the Yintah from the destructive forces of industry.

We honour these anniversaries with a giant fuck you to the state. Read More …

Sodexo Attacked

In the early morning of March 29th, the president of Sodexo Canada was visited at her home in Brossard. All the tires of the two cars in her driveway were slashed, their windshields were smashed in, and FUCK SODEXO and (A) were written on their hoods. Read More …