Comparing Far Right Transphobia in so called Canada to Don Hamerquist’s Analysis On Third Position Fascism

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info There is a growing fascist movement in so called Canada, it first appeared from the shadows as the Freedom Convoy which led directly to Hands Off Our Kids. While fascism has been a long time problem in Canada, and there were underground sects that morphed into this current movement, the point of this article isn’t a historical analysis on how it came to be, Read More …

From Embers: Quebec Nationalism and Settler Futurity – Refusing Innocence

By From Embers Listen and download here A conversation with two anarchists following a workshop they gave at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair entitled “10 years since the strike: the place of nationalism within militant struggle.” We discuss the history of Quebec nationalism and its influence in anarchist and radical milieus, responsibilities of settlers in anti-colonial struggle and in relating to land, possibilities and uncertain futures opened up by anarchism as Read More …

Female Keep Separate: Prisons, Gender, and the Violence of Inclusion (version française disponible)

When finally the cell door closes, when the jangling keys recede, you’ve arrived as far as you’re going that day. Then you can exhale alone with your mattress and be in your own body again, your body no longer a problem to be solved or a question to be answered. Just your own familiar weight under the blanket, where you can just shake and shake and try to sleep and get ready for whatever happens next. Read More …