Canadian Tire Fire #6: Far Right Losses, Neglect in Prison, and a Summer of Encampment Evictions

Yet more unmarked residential school graves were discovered this week, this time near the Kuper Island Industrial School on Penelakut Island in so-called BC. As communities across Turtle Island process the renewed grief and anger at the loss of their loved ones, recent weeks also saw backlash against the mourning. In Brantford, ON, a memorial to Indigenous children at the site of a former residential school was burned last week, seemingly by a lone vandal. Last month, a teepee for Indigenous high school students in Grande Prairie, AB, decorated to commemorate victims of residential schools, was also vandalized. Both instances are stark reminders of the racism embedded in Canadian culture – as communities mourn the harm done by the Canadian state, this will inevitably be viewed as a threat by those who take pride in their genocidal nation. Read More …

Gidimt’en Territory: Solidarity is inclusive: We are one

It has been almost one year since the call went out for peoples across so called canada for solidarity; to respect Wet’suwet’en laws and jurisdiction to our lands and to fight together against colonization, industrial genocide, and to stop CGL and RCMP from invading our yintah.

As we asserted full control over access to our yintah and brought industry to a halt, many others rose up with us. From large demonstrations to rail blockades to clandestine sabotages against the infrastructures of colonization, many nations, groups and people fought alongside us. These actions gave us strength in the face of the looming buildup of militarized police. Read More …

Kingston: Report from CN Rail Occupation

On Thursday February 27th, Kingston locals – settler, immigrant, and Indigenous alike – gathered on the CN mainline in Kingston at the Gardiners Road overpass to continue to pressure the Canadian state in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs.

The rail bridge was taken at 8 am and CN was immediately notified. Flags were flown, banners were hung, a fire was lit for warmth and, as the word got out, supporters began to arrive!

Indigenous drummers kept our hearts light and our spirits high as we held our space with a sense of community, sharing warm food and drinks, laughter and dance. Read More …

Injunction served and burnt at Tyendinaga rail blockade as numbers grow

TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – The rail blockade at the Wyman crossing in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory has grown in size and scope since it began Thursday afternoon. A camper trailer, porta-potty and tent have all arrived on site. And the number of people present is growing.

The reason for the blockade is simple, according to Dalton McKay. “I’m here for the support and solidarity of the Wet’suwet’en people to help support them against the destruction of their life and their homes for a pipeline,” he told Real People’s Media. Read More …

#ShutDownCanada: Wet’suwet’en Solidarity Actions Continue Into Weekend

Following RCMP raids on Wet’suwet’en Territory this week, indigenous people, land defenders and accomplices have been taking up the call to Shut Down Canada with ongoing actions across the country targeting urban centres, highways, ports and railways. Here is an update on some actions across southern Ontario thus far and some notes on what’s to come. Something incomplete or missing? Send us a reportback! Read More …