Onkwehon:we and Brantford residents unite and #landback Arrowdale

On October 9, residents of Brantford Ontario belonging to the Save Arrowdale movement held a protest at Arrowdale Municipal Golf Course. They wore bright yellow shirts with their logo on the front and a summary of their key points on the back. Having gathered a petition with 7,871 signatures in favour of preserving the greenspace and won a unanimous city council vote to save Arrowdale in 2016, they questioned why in 2019 Brantford City Council voted to sell the land to developers. The city’s new deal would preserve only three (later 17) out of the 49 acres as greenspace.  Read More …

Toronto: Banner Drop in Solidarity with Gidimt’en

From Rising Tide Toronto (Facebook) On the last day of the Week of Action in support of the Gidimt’en, a banner was dropped in the busy west end of downtown Toronto to draw the attention of rush hour drivers toward the invasion of Wet’suwet’en land being perpetrated by our government. We want to remind people that the RCMP are foreign aggressors assaulting members of a sovereign nation in defense of Read More …

Nothing but dead ends: How the complaints process protects the Ottawa police

Police misconduct and violence are increasingly dominating news headlines. With calls to disarm, defund, and abolish police forces, we’re also seeing inspiring efforts to fundamentally transform how people respond to harm and keep each other safe. For now, however, if you’ve been mistreated by the police in Ottawa, your main recourse is to file a complaint through established complaints procedures. These complaints are one of the few ways we can gain information about the problematic behaviour of cops and how the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) responds to such behaviour. Read More …

Transmissions Part Two: Relationships

From subMedia A four part mini-series focusing on the various dimensions of intergenerational relationships amongst anarchists. Part Two focuses on relationships. Hear from Helen Hudson, Ann Hansen, Cee, Vanessa Bolin, Mandy and Ashanti Alston. You’ll likely walk away from this episode with a lot to think about.

Toronto: Hundreds Gather in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders

From Rising Tide Toronto Photos from Porcupine Warriors Many hundreds of people gathered at Yonge & Dundas Square yesterday (Friday, October 1st) to show solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders who are blocking a drilling site of the Coastal GasLink Pipeline on their territory and are under attack by the RCMP. CGL and TC Energy off Wet’suwet’en land!

Wet’suwet’en Territory: Gidimt’en Barricade CGL Access Road and Make Urgent Call for Support; RCMP Arrest One

From Gidimt’en Checkpoint On September 22nd, 2021, after days of conflict between Gidimt’en/Cas Yikh Chiefs and members, Coastal GasLink and the RCMP, contractors completely cleared an archaeological site which has been destroyed with heavy machinery for the construction of a methane gas pipeline. On the morning of September 26th, the access road to Coastal GasLink’s drill site was destroyed. A series of blockades were put into place and the site Read More …

From Embers: New Episodes in August 2021

From Embers is a regular anarchist podcast produced in Kingston, Ontario. We produce a few episodes each month about actions and projects going on in so-called Canada that inspire us, or about topics that we think will be relevant to anarchists living north of the border. We are part of the Channel Zero Anarchist Podcast Network. Read More …

Harm Reduction Guided by the Goal of the Abolition of Prisons and Capitalism: An interview with former Direct Action member and ex-prisoner Ann Hansen

Originally published at Kersplebedeb

Ann Hansen was imprisoned in 1983 for her involvement in the urban guerilla group Direct Action. She is the author of Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerilla and Taking the Rap: Women Doing Time for Society’s Crimes. She wrote the introduction for Margrit Schiller’s Remembering the Armed Struggle: My Time with the Red Army Faction. This interview was conducted in the summer of 2021. Read More …

Health on a Human Scale: A vaccinated anarchist against vaccine passports

Quebec is instituting a system of vaccine passports in the coming days, and Ontario is likely to follow suit. The passport is a document confirming your identity and your vaccination status that will have to be shown in order to access many spaces. Not a day goes by here without a barrage of open letters and social media posts asking to be required to show a passport to move around the city, for every worker to be given a policing function.

I got fully vaccinated as soon as it was available to me, and so did all my close people. However, I think the vaccine passport is despicable and that those who are advocating for it are making a serious mistake. Read More …