Practical Abolition from the Inside Out: Reflections on Prisoner Solidarity Organizing

In the US and Canada, it doesn’t get that much lower than the prisoner. Excluded in every way, stripped of their most basic rights, exposed to humiliation and violence regularly, deprived of basic necessities, prisoners are at the very bottom of the social hierarchy, scorned and blamed by all the other classes. Prison crystalizes all forms of oppression and also props them up, and so organizing around prison can be a way of getting at the core of exploitative power relations in a community.

In Hamilton, our local prison is right in middle of the city, in between the cheap grocery store and the beer store. We pass it all the time, and it literally casts it shadow over us. Our goal in starting the Barton Prisoner Solidarity Project (or BAPSOP) in 2018 was to “thin the walls” and make it so we could hear the voices of our neighbours on the inside, make them feel a little less alone. Read More …

Hamilton Queer Community Defence Reportback

On November 24, people in Hamilton showed up to support a drag storytime event after word spread online that haters would be coming to protest it. Some of the apparent organizers of the event emerged from the ‘freedom convoy’ movement but lately seem to have been focusing on queer/trans-related issues, especially those concerning kids.  Read More …

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito! From Barton to Bancali \\ Solidarité avec Alfredo Cospito! De Barton à Bancali

We were out holding up a banner with a phone number on it to connect with prisoners at the Barton jail in Hamilton, Canada, the way we usually do, but we thought we would also take a moment to express our solidarity with anarchist prisoners in struggle.

Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike since October 20th to demand that he be moved out of segregation and have his phone calls, mail, and visits restored. He was placed in these conditions back in May essentially to punish him for staying involved in the anarchist struggle from inside. Read More …

A Love Letter To The Wet’suwet’en (And Their Allies) Who Fight For The Land

We heard some Wet’suwet’en Chiefs were visiting Six Nations territory Tuesday. We appreciate the energy and determination the Wet’sutwet’en have shown towards defending the land and lives of their people. We wanted to welcome them to the area.

We cannot be out west with you, but we are with you from here.

In the night of July 31, 2022 several small groups enjoyed the cool evening and – where opportunities presented themselves – took small actions against local rail infrastructure. Read More …

Hamilton Pride 2022 Report Back

Remember Hamilton Pride 2019? Expecting an attack by christian hate groups and far-right trolls, folks organized themselves to defend pride. … This year was the first Hamilton Pride festival since that summer, and the “official” Pride offerings couldn’t have been further from those roots. Pride was to be held indoors, in a convention center, under the heavy surveillance of Hamilton police. It was a slap in the face to those who fought so hard to defend our space in 2019, to keep each other safe while being visible, joyful, and true to ourselves in public. Read More …

Fuck HPS: an informational project

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info The last decade in policing has seen an increase in the amount of resources police have invested in to surveilling anarchists/organizers & projects that in some way pose a threat to the state. While those of us who oppose or challenge state authority tend to learn these stories through internal discussions or re-tellings (our own strange urban legends) it’s not often we see proof Read More …

Hoarding Hot Air – Plywood Taken Down at City Hall

Hi, it’s the anarchists. We saw in the newspaper that city officials put up some plywood boards to stop unhoused people from staying warm next to the heating vents at the back of City Hall. We – like everyone else with a pulse – found this absolutely despicable. Facilities director Rom D’Angelo says it’s an issue of “safety” for City Hall staff. What about the safety of the people trying not to freeze to death? He didn’t mention it.
So we just quickly popped out, grabbed some buds, and went to see how easy it was to take down.Turns out, it’s very easy. All you need is a drill with a phillips bit (the little star one). Took about 4 minutes to take all the screws out of the plywood and 1-2 people to carry each board away. With a larger crew, you could take down the metal frame quite quickly so people looking to stay warm wouldn’t have to squeeze through. Read More …