Parkdale: 1340 King Tenants Organize Against Eviction

From Parkdale Organize Today tenants at 1340 King along with members of Parkdale Organize delivered a letter to landlord Evan Johnsen at his Parkdale home. Johnsen is trying to evict 1340 King tenant Stanislav, a masonry worker who has lived in the building for twenty years. In summer 2018 Stanislav transferred to a new unit in the building. At that time Johnsen had Stanislav sign a sublease agreement with a Read More …

Kingston: Actions Continue in Support of Wet’suwet’en Camps

As #ShutDownCanada actions continue to happen across the country in support of the Wet’suwet’en camps attacked by the RCMP on Monday, anti-colonial networks in Katarokwi/Kingston are activated and trying to maintain pressure on the government and corporate interests behind the Coastal GasLink project. Here is a brief timeline of actions here over the past week. Read More …

Kingston: Action In Solidarity With Wet’suwet’en Camps

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info. Tonight in Katarokwi (Kingston) there was an action to show solidarity with the Gitdimt’en and Unist’ot’en camps currently under attack by the Canadian state. Moved by news of ongoing RCMP operations on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory, an ad-hoc group came together on short notice for an action downtown. We blocked the entrance to the Royal Bank of Canada (financial advisors for the Coastal GasLink Project), Read More …

Report back from the 10th annual prisoner solidarity demo in Hamilton (and Milton!) Ontario

The end of 2018 marks the 10th year that anarchists in Hamilton have been doing prisoner solidarity demos. Shit, eh? It’s tradition for folks to travel to another city, usually to a prison that a friend is being held captive at, then return home to end the night at Barton Street Jail. This year folks decided to go to Vanier Center for Women, because 9 years later… our dear pal Cedar is inside. Read More …

Another End of the World Is Possible: Indigenous Solidarity and Blocking Extractive Infrastructure in Canada

We are several settler anarchists in the territory dominated by the Canadian government. Our goal in writing this text is to bring forward some strategic considerations for anarchists who want to contribute to land defense, as well as to publicize some research about the vulnerabilities of Canadian extractive infrastructure for that purpose. We also hope that indigenous communities can use this research to their own ends as well.

We understand the task at hand in our corner of the world as no less than decolonizing the territory dominated by the Canadian government and capitalist economy. Decolonizing this territory necessarily means destroying its colonial governance – a government which depends upon the continuing genocide of indigenous people so that it can maintain sovereignty over the land that it stole. Its system and the way of life it brings is fundamentally built on exploitation of the land and those who inhabit the land. Read More …

Kingston: Community, Labour and Indigenous Groups Push Out Racists and Disrupt Trudeau Fundraiser

Community, labour and Indigenous groups push out racists and disrupt Trudeau fundraiser – by collective effort on the territory known as Kingston.

On Wed December 19th in Kingston, a federal Liberal party fundraiser was scheduled at St. Lawrence College. Labour unions called a rally for fair bargaining in solidarity with PSAC and CUPW workers. Known far-right organizer Georges Hallak, and others from near Ottawa posted a “yellow vest”/anti-UN immigration policy/anti-Trudeau invitation to the event. Read More …

Toronto: Report from Far-Right “Yellow Vest” Rally

Ants showed up yesterday to provide some sabotage to an alleged ‘yellow vest’ rally at Nathan Philips square. We dropped a banner over the proto-fascist trash that read “IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES WELCOME, RACISTS NOT”.

For two weekends running, racist scum have rallied in Toronto under the guise of ‘yellow vests’ with two main talking points: climate denial and xenophobia. It’s apparent that the movement in France is contested territory between the far right, and our international comrades. However, here on Turtle Island, the ‘yellow vests’ are primarily the same xenophobic groups like Northern Guard, Soldiers of Odin, III%ers, CCC, and the rest of the garbage who have been propagating hate on our streets. Read More …